Why Won't You Let Me Kiss You?

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Harry's POV

  Today has been so hectic. Louis and Zayn are out shopping.  I have to cook and prep food. Liam is setting up his room for something special you know what I mean. Then there's Niall looking cute as ever in his lazy attire: boxer shorts and a worn looking v-neck. Wait a minute.. is that my v-neck? I eventually finished preparing the food and washed up. I waited patiently for Niall to make his way into the kitchen before clearing my throat.  "Hey Niall, is that my v-neck?" He nodded as he continued to clean, wiping down the counters. "You.. you should probably go change because I wouldn't want the boys to suspect anything." Niall stopped cleaning and slowly straightened himself up before nodding. Oh shit.. That came out wrong, didn't it? "Niall, I didn't mean-" He almost automatically cut me off. "No, it's fine, Harry. I wouldn't want to embarrass you." He shook his head before quickly making his way upstairs to his room. Shit shit shit. You are so smart, Harry. I quickly followed after him and grabbed him by the arm, closing the door behind us. "Niall, stop it. You know I didn't mean anything bad by what I said. You know that." I looked down at him as he proceeded to jerk his arm from my hold, stepping back and taking off my shirt before tossing it at me forcefully. Niall didn't say a word as he walked over to his window and put on a sweatshirt. Oh crap.. Is he sniffling? I slowly walked towards him. "Niall, you stop that right now. Don't you dare cry." I slowly grabbed his waist and he quickly cocked his elbow back into my stomach. "Don't touch me or tell me what to do! You don't own me and you're certainly not the boss of me, you ass!" Something came over me. I quickly gripped the back of his hair and pushed him up against the wall before turning him towards me. I looked him in the eyes before burying my face in his neck. "Stop it, Niall. You know I didn't mean it like that. You can wear my stuff anytime, babe. I'm just looking out for you. I'm looking out for us." The minute the word us left my mouth Niall quickly gripped the back of my shirt and hugged me tightly. That's all he wanted. He just wanted to know that I wanted him the way he wanted me. I slowly looked at him and leaned in but Niall looked down. "I'm sorry, Harry. I c-can't do that." Liam came in shortly after that and Niall quickly pushed me away. Liam sighed, "Niall, good job at the cleaning. I need to talk to you. Harry, hurry and start the food before it's too late." Liam waited till I left the room before he quickly shut the door. I sighed but went to start the food. A few long minutes passed. What were they doing in there? Why was it taking so long?  My thoughts were quickly interrupted as Liam and Niall both walked out, Liam hugging Niall tight. Liam went to go get ready and I glared a little before walking up to Niall. "Hey babe, it seems like forever since I hugged you." I quickly went in for a kiss, but Niall quickly rejected me. "Sorry, Harry. I gotta um.. get ready." He quickly darted off. What the hell was that? What is he hiding? Is he up to something with Liam? What if.. No, that would never happen. What if Niall's cheating? What if.. he wants Liam instead of me?

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