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Zayn's POV

  I walked past Harry's room to check on Niall. Hmm,  he wasn't there. That's odd. I thought they made up. I went to Niall's room and knocked on his door. "Niall? You in there?" I pressed my ear up against the door. "Yeah, just.. just go away. I'm fine." One, I heard you sniffle and two, you'd never tell me to go away. Did Harry and him make up? I don't know. Maybe he's just feeling under the weather. Hopefully not because we all have to get ready to go record soon.

Harry's POV

  I got home with a few grocery bags and walked in the kitchen, starting to put them away. The boys went out to the car van but I didn't see Niall. "Hey Zayn,  where's Niall?" I grabbed his arm. "He's in his room. He didn't sound too good so I told Simon that you too were gonna stay behind." I quickly got worried and automatically set the groceries down, running up to Niall's room.  I knocked on the door. "Niall." He didn't answer so I quickly got in and rushed to his side, kneeling down. "Babe, what's wrong? You look sick." I brushed his hair gently off of his forehead and put my hand on it.  "Hmm, no fever. You wanna tell me what's wrong?" Niall slowly looked up at me and my heart sank a little. Not only did he look sick, he had that face he had months ago before trying to leave me. "I.. I'm hurting." Little tears rolled down his pale cheeks. "I can't do it anymore. I.." He looked down and shook his head before starting to cry into his pillow. Oh Niall, please don't do this to me. "Harry, we have to break up. You hurt me because I hurt you and it still hurts. I'm no good for you. I'm sorry. I just can't be with you anymore. You were right about the incident. You were right to hurt me." I quickly shook my head as I took his hand in mine and tilted his head up. "Hey, don't talk like that. What you did made me sad but you didn't hurt me. She did. You know I love you so much.  I didn't mean to hurt you. I really didn't. Now you look a mess but you're not sick and you're not being yourself. Do you want to tell me what's wrong or should I try to find out myself?" I looked at him but he just let my hand go, grabbing the pillow as he cried harder. I sighed before getting up and kissing his head. I stepped outside the door and pulled out my phone. I didn't know what to do so I called his mum of course. "Hello? Hey, how are you? Good? That's nice to hear. Anyway, I'm calling about Niall. Some thing's wrong."

Niall's POV

  I heard Harry talking to my mum but I kept crying. I feel bad but I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I just don't know. He got off the phone and came back in before sitting beside me, slowly rubbing my arm. "Niall, look at me. Your mum wasn't going to tell me anything so you have to. If you don't trust me, our relationship will fail." I slowly turned onto my back and looked up at his. My eyes puffy from crying and my nose red. "Harry, I told you. I-" I froze a little because it all came back to me: the horrible memories I tried to suppress. It all came back to me. "Niall?" I slowly looked up at Harry before crying violently and covering my face. "I'm.. I have.. I lied to you again. You weren't the first person to touch me." I turned and went back to crying into my pillow.

Harry's POV

  I slowly frowned. "Niall..but you told me.. What? " I slowly shook my head and made him look at me. I just watched him cry. "You lied to me. I loved you and you lied. I thought what we had that night was special, but you lied. You could never be honest me, could you?" I tried to maintain my manly image by holding in tears as I got up. Niall grabbed onto my arm begging me to stay. He didn't want me anyways so I pulled my arm away and walked to the door. As he fell on the floor I started to walk out. "Harry! I was abused and I didn't want you to think less of me because I've liked you since the first step I took into this house! I.. I'm.. " Niall just curled up on the floor with his face in his hands, shaking as he cried. I tensed up before quickly turning around.  "Wh-what do you mean.. abused?" I swallowed a little nervous. "He.. h-he.. I just.. I didn't.." He shook his head and cried more. I quickly connected the dots and ran to him. I sat beside him and held him tightly in my arms, kissing his head. "Niall, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I shouldn't have touched you or made you cry. I.. oh my god,  I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Please know I won't ever love you any less. Just.." I broke and let tears fall as I sat on the floor, holding Niall: my shirt soaked by his tears. I didn't even know what to say. All I could think was how much I loved him. I rubbed his back as he whispered against my chest shakily,  "it happened a year before I auditioned for X-factor.. I.. I knew I liked him but I didn't know what he was doing to me was wrong until I told him know. He didn't stop. He went too far and.. He took it away from me. I just.. I only auditioned because I needed to escape. I kept letting it happen and I didn't tell anyone." He clung to me tighter than before and I just wrapped my arms around him, kissing his hair over and over. My poor angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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