Concerned About the Wrong Thing

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Harry's POV
  Well, a few hours past. We had all met Liam's new girlfriend before going off in our own directions. Ha, funny because we're one direction but not really. Anyways, Liam was at the table eating dinner with his girlfriend. Zayn and Louis had gone off into the back to play some ball. Then Niall and I were making out on my bed with some peaceful ocean sounds. I don't understand why they calmed him. As we were making out I began to push my tongue against his lips, just begging for an entrance. He resisted a little before finally letting me in. I explored his mouth with my tongue, trying not to smile too much. We continued to french kiss and I gently slid my hand up his thigh. Niall softly pulled away and looked up at me. I sighed a little frustrated and looked down at him. "Alright,  what is it this time?" He just smiled and kissed my cheek. "I just want to cuddle." Is he serious right now? You can't just french with me and get me all excited then turn me down. I mumbled, "what a tease.." Niall's facial expression quickly dropped. Oh shit, he heard that. "Niall.. Babe, i'm sorry. I just want to enjoy you as much as possible before we have to go back to normal. It gets hard not being to love you all day." It literally gets hard if you know what I mean. Niall just shook his head at me and turned away, now resting on his side. He's such a baby I swear. I sighed and gave in: spooning with him. I could sense the little grin on his face. Well, whatever makes him happy makes me happy I guess. I gently started to kiss his neck as we spooned. He giggled and squirmed. "Harry, stop it! That tickles!" That only made me kiss harder and I began to tickle his stomach. His laugh is so cute. We ended up rolling around on the bed and he pinned me, sitting on my lap. I looked up at him before resting my hands on his hips. I playfully winked at him and  he slowly began to take his shirt off. "Wow, someone's confident." He smiled shyly and tossed his shirt to the floor. "I just want to be happy."  Oh how sweet. Niall wanted to impress me.

  I thought that was it before he quickly leaned down, kissing me deeply. I kissed him back a few times before whispering in between each kiss.  "Niall, slow down. What if someone walks in on us or hears us?" He kissed my lips a few more times before whispering against them, "you're the only one who's going to need to control their volume." I raised a brow before he started to kiss down my chest lustfully. I leaned up a little to look down at him, he was already unzipping my pants with his teeth. Oh shit. I heard him giggle at how hard I was. I just layed back and relaxed before gasping loudly, feeling him take my tip into his mouth. "N-niall, be careful. Its sensitive." He proceeded to take my whole length into his mouth, bobbing his head slowly. Mmm this feels so good. I got a little distracted because I thought I saw something.  Was the door cracked before? I don't know. Let me just enjoy myself.

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