Watching The Mummy

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A few weeks later, Twilight got to meet Splinter and befriended my friends. When she wasn't at NYU and working at the library, she was hanging with us, usually training to learn ninjitsiu. It was nice hanging out with her.

On one particular day, I was on the couch and decided to call her for one particular reason. (Forgot to mention, they exchanged phone numbers.) "Hello?" Twilight said on the phone. "Hey Twi," I said. "Hey Leo, what's up?" Twilight rhetorically asked. "Well, you might not believe it, but I totally lost a bet." I admitted. I could hear her snort laugh as she asked, "What was the bet?"

"Well I was playing Mario Kart with my brothers," I explained, "and whoever won last place would have to watch The Mummy."

"And you won last place?" Twilight asked. "Unfortunately yes," I replied, "I may be a good leader, but good Mario Kart player, I am not." We laughed at that. "Which version of The Mummy?" Twilight asked, "The 1932 version? The Hammer version? The one with Brendan Fraser? Or the one with Tom Cruise?"

"Tom Cruise." I said, admiring how specific she was. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be willing to come over to the lair and watch The Mummy with me?" I was feeling nervous asking this. "Well, I'm still on my shift at the library," said Twilight, "but I can come over after work and bring Spike." I sighed in relief, "Oh thank you Twilight! Casey's renting the movie as we speak, so we got time."

"No problem Leo," replied Twilight, "no one should have to suffer through a bad movie alone. Talk to you later." She hung up, and I was excited. I told Splinter and my brothers what was happening, and they didn't mind. Much later, Casey brought the DVD, and an hour later, Twilight and Spike came in. "Hey Spike!" Mikey said, petting him, "I got some treats for you!" Spike wagged his tail. Twilight chuckled and said, "Ooh, you said the right words Mikey." I smiled at Twilight and asked, "You ready for this?" Twilight smirked and said, "As I'll ever be." We sat on the couch and put the DVD in. Twilight sat next to me. Spike was down below, eating his doggy biscuit. We then started the movie. The Universal Logo played with its "Dark Universe" Variant.

"I'm already going to hate this, aren't I?" I sighed. "Probably going to get worse from there." Twilight nonchalantly replied. And right she was. We were getting bored to death. Tom Cruise's character was barely likable. The blonde chick was bland. This was trying to act like the MCU. Spike had dozed off during the middle of the movie.

 Spike had dozed off during the middle of the movie

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Oh how I envied him. It wasn't all bad though. Twilight and I had fun riffing the film. And during that time, I put my arm around her, and she laid her head on my shell, laying on the couch. During the "scary" scenes, Twilight sarcastically said, "Ooh, how scary!" During the part where Nick was confronting Dr. Jekyll, Twilight laughed. "You're a young man..." Twilight said, doing her best impression of Russell Crowe, "Says 53 year old Russell Crowe to 55 year old Tom Cruise." That made me laugh. At the end of the film, I mocked Tom Cruise yelling, "Just Wake UP!!!!!" This caused Spike to abruptly wake up, looking around, giving a confused look that said, what? This caused Twilight to laugh hard. Thankfully, the movie was over. "That was just awful," I said. "Agreed," said Twilight, "but I've seen a movie lamer than that."

"And what's that?" I asked out of curiosity. "Flatliners," replied Twilight, "totally dead on arrival." I chuckled and said, "I'll take your word on that."

"Next time you invite me to the lair," said Twilight, "let's watch a better movie."

"How about IT?" I asked. "Oh no, anything but that!" Twilight said in fright. "Coco?" I offered. "Yes please," she said happily. "Thanks for helping me get through this," I said.  "No problem," said Twilight, "what are friends for?" I smiled, and decided to not hesitate and asked, "Twilight, I was wondering... Do you like me as more than just a friend?" I blushed while asking that. I looked into her violet eyes. I was close to her now. Suddenly, I was pulled into a kiss, kissing her lips. We kissed for a minute. After we let go of the kiss, she said, "Does that answer your question?"

We both blushed and smiled at each other. "I've always loved you since the day we met," I admitted. "I've felt the same about you," said Twilight, "I love you, Leonardo." She hugged me. I took off my mask and took her glasses off to see her face. "You are so beautiful," I said, causing her to blush, "I want to be with you Twilight Sparkle." She smiled and said, "That's all I want to hear my love..." We then embraced each other, happy together. What we did not know was that my brothers lost a bet to Miwa. Like I said, not all bad.

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