Chapter 42

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"Divide et impera"

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"Divide et impera"

It was foolish from me I thought he is different. He is just like everybody else.

Just like every person in this place. Cold, unreal, idiotic, calculated, all about he cares is himself.

I was running down the labyrinth not knowing why I'm crying. I tried to find an exit from this. This is just a bullshit.

I need to get in my room and to find Maurecia. I'm sick of double life. From now on I will help them. At least they fight for our rights. They don't care for Rish Ones. They want to help other people too. Now, I will do the same. Even if that meant I needed to die.

I will die just to show him. Just to show him and every person in this castle I'm not theirs. They can't control me. I will always be my person.

I will turn to other. I will listen to Travis. That his voice but at least I will know what I'm fighting for.

All of this. These three months I walked down the rope not knowing who to trust. Now I'm sure that I can't trust Prince. He is just like his father. He will do anything just to get what he wants. And those tattoos approve all.

He is there after all.

God, I need to get out of here.

I stopped and turned around myself. Everything was dark, foggy, and cold. I need to get out of here.

I chose second way and run. I felt pain, but I didn't care. I need to get off here. I needed to do something. I need to run.

I rub my face when everything became blurry.

Stop crying, Dianna. I ordered myself.

He is just a trash. No need to cry. He doesn't care; why would you. I made a few arguments but my eyes didn't listen. They continued on its way.

I looked at the sky.

Snow was finally stopping. I could see.

I saw a light and run toward it. My hand and stomach weren't that sure so I had to stop.

My eyes shut by themselves. Why am I crying? Why Prince disturbs me this much?

One thing. I only need to do one thing. Help Amelia and Travis. Focus on that. My brain ordered and I nodded to myself. Everything will be okay. Just get through it.

Nothing good will happen if Prince finds me.

I turned once again and continued.

Big exhale escaped my lips when I got out. I wasn't aware of that. Lips curled into a smile and I stepped toward the stairs.

I just let air out and focused on one thing. Castle. I need to get in.

Funny how I didn't want to get in in the first place. I didn't want to do that, but Prince made me. After that, he took me on that stairs and then.

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