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Naomi hugged Jinx tight, then got up. Her green eyes seemed a little more hazy as she stood and looked out over the lake. "Where should we go?" She pulled out the map and looked at it, spreading it out in front of the both of them. "There's a church that way... I'm not big on churches. A mall that way, an amusement park..." She looked at Jinx. Where did the other girl think would be a good place to go? "Or there's a school over this way..."

Jinx stood with her butterfly, one hands twisted in the loops of the woman’s jeans as she worried at her lip with sharp teeth. “Well……I haven’t ever been to a School before…Is it dangerous there Nao-ne?” She asked softly with a singsong sort of voice. The hazy look in her butterfly’s eyes worried her. She looked like a Player that had won too many times. Empty and broken. “Wind ‘em up and watch ‘em go, where they fall, all will know.” She hummed quietly, keeping a keen ear on the Radio.

"No... at least... I don't think so..." Naomi shook her head. She could remember going to school when she was young. She'd enjoyed it, had friends even. The rest of her schooling had been done in asylums. She looked down at Jinx for a moment. "Do you want to go to school, Jinx? Like, when we go back home?" She frowned lightly. She wondered if they would ever get home. "We can always go see what the school's like here, I guess."

“School hurts Nao. Why would I want to go there?” She asked with a confused yellow mind before wrapping her arm completely around the butterfly’s waist and hugging onto her. The Player like state in her Nao’s actions and reactions worried Jinx more than monsters or home. Yes, she would desperately miss Mother, she mused as they turned onto a paved street leading away from the lake. She would miss the giant birds of her Home and the many fun things there. She would miss Jant too, he was one of the few who understood and loved blood as much as she did. If it meant being stuck as a player forever though, Jinx wasn’t sure she would do it. “Nao-ne-na-o.” She said quietly as the turned yet another street, following the map quivering in the Butterfly’s hands. “Nao-ne, if I turn Black again, would you kill me? Would you make Jinx Red?”

"I don't know if I'd be able to, Jinx. I love you too much, little sister." She said softly, patting Jinx's head. Her heart hurt slightly at the thought of having to lose her Jinx. Why not just keep bringing her back from the Black side. "Besides... it's easier to bring you back than you think." She leaned over and kissed the top of the red head. She wandered on, her past playing in her head as she thought of school. It'd been the one time she'd had friends before she became broken. Broken Naomi hadn't had friends until she'd been rescued by Elizabeth and Sarah. Then they'd become family to her. But when she was broken... she hadn't even had her mother. Mother... that was why they needed to get back home. Jinxy needed to grow up, to have her mother, to be in a normal home. Er...as normal as you got around the Arbiters and Magistrates of Ivalice... "Hm... This way, right?" Naomi turned down a street as she folded up the map. They should have been coming up on it soon.

Jinx turned pink inside and outside. Little sister. She had a Mother, and now, a Big Sister. That firmed her resolve more than anything. She’d bring her butterfly, her precious Nao-ne-na-o back home and fix her, the way she’d fixed Jinx when she turned Black with horror and pain. “Nao-ne, I too lo- “ She broke off suddenly, hissing as the radio screamed with static. She released her hold on Nao suddenly and unsheathed her claws, crouching and turning in a low circle to search for the enemy. The Monsters.

The haze in Naomi's eyes receded a bit. She knew what Jinx was going to say, and it made her happier than she could ever remember. A little sister who loved her back. As the radio screamed, she held the pipe at the ready. A skittering noise caught her ears and her eyes widened in remembrance of the lacquer clawed monster they'd fought in the hospital. As she watched, out of the fog came the monsters. No, not the bound, clawed ones. Bugs. Tons of black, nasty looking bugs. "We can't take all that! Run Jinx!" Naomi grabbed the girl's hand and tugged her.

“N-n-nao!” She shrieked, feeling as one of her claws ripped up the woman's arm when she grabbed her. The claws all instantly retracted as Jinx stumbled after her butterfly, but the damage was done. The horde, no Wave of black insects roared down the street after them, flooding every nook and crevice behind them like a deadly swell of water. Jinx could very well imagine what those sorts of bugs would eat and put on an extra burst of speed, slinging them down a corner. They both ran desperately now, puffing for breath as the wave drew ever closer. Jinx turned at the intersection that they’d seen on the map earlier as the path to the school, but instantly turned heel and dragged Nao right back onto the main road. The alleyways had been full to bursting with a wall of those damned bugs and even Jinx’s enhanced legs were starting to get tired. “There Nao! Let’s go there!” She shouted as soon as the huge white building on the hill came into view.

Naomi was starting to get tired, and her left leg was starting to cramp up. It'd been a while since she'd run so much. She'd taken up track when she'd gotten to go to high school for the last couple years, and she'd run well, as she'd liked to do it when she had the chance. Looking up at the hill, Naomi tried not to tell the girl no. It really was the best place to go. "Nnngh... Alright. Let's go." She held tight to Jinx, despite the pain in her arm. So she'd reacted without thinking about certain claws. It wouldn't be the first cut she'd gotten down her arm.

She cast a worried look at her butterfly as they hit the long paved road leading up the hill. When they hit the cement stairs Jinx nearly whined with exhausted pain. The concrete and mortar acting like sledge hammer blows from below that struck exactly where it would hurt in her feet. It was like running on daggers. Jinx could only imagine it was worse for her Nao. She’d been about to ask something, some inane question that could only be asked while running for your life, when one of the bugs got close enough to land on her back and scrabble up to sink it’s ‘teeth’ into the stretch of skin next to her spine.

Naomi shrieked when she saw what was happening to Jinx. Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed the thing, ripping it from her back. "Get the fuck OFF HER!" She turned around and bat the nearest ones away with her pipe. She then threw her arm around Jinx and half-carried her up the stairs in a burst of angry adrenaline. When they reached the top, she practically ripped the door off of its hinges to get inside, shoving it shut. A couple of braver bugs managed to skitter inside. Naomi set to the task of killing them, pain coming back as the adrenaline started to recede.

Jinx was gasping in pain, the actions of her butterfly or that they were safe-ish now hadn’t registered either. That one tiny bite had hurt more than the time the Doctor-Player had put that hook in her stomach and made the poor worm pull, pull, pull until the hook removed itself from her intestines by force. ‘Don’t think, don’t think!’ She shook the memories away into the bitter Green and sniffed at the dank air. “Thanks Nao butterfly. You seem to be saving me more often than not.” She intoned hoarsely, and quietly as she stared at one of the dead bugs, poking at its remarkably human like under shell form with an extended claw.

Naomi shook her head. "It's my job, Jinx." She said softly. "Now... where are we?" This was not like any church she'd ever been in. It was dark here. She looked around and nearly jumped as she watched a woman come toward them. Where had she come from?

"You are in the house of God." The woman had a strangely calm voice for someone who made her instantly think of insanity.

"...What kind of god do you worship?" Naomi asked, distaste coloring her words.

"Do not speak against her! She is a terrible and mighty god who deals harshly with the unclean!"

Naomi took a step back and looked at Jinx. "Why do I get the feeling we should have kept going?"

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