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The scream startled her already shivering mind. The ‘face’ had nearly stolen Jinx. Would have if Nao’s friends hadn’t interfered. Jinx stumbled over the fading corpse of blueish white and wrapped her arms around her Butterfly’s shaking form. Nao fought for a moment, but she wasn’t strong. Not nearly strong enough. She wouldn’t listen though, she couldn’t hear like Jinx did. So She did what Enx used to do. “Brave Nao, sweet Nao. Butterfly saved the Jinx. She did. Never even though of running, my Nao. Never, ever. You stayed and fought and that makes you so, so strong.” She whispered the quietly litany over and over.

The voices, oh the voices. They hurt her. They teased her. She shook her head violently and tried to push the one restricting her. She hadn't the strength to do so, she'd been weakened by the summoning. Her tired arms gave out and she cried and screamed. "Get away! Go away! Leave me alone! Leave me! Go! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" She could see faces over Jinx's shoulder. Their eyes glowed in the dark. Their smirks and scoffs pierced her. She shook and cried and curled up tighter. "Make them stop. Make it stop. Not worthless. Not stupid. Not bad." Her head hurt, oh it hurt. The pain was sharp and throbbing in her temples. A high pitched ringing pierced through her ears as the voices grew louder. Naomi clapped her hands over her ears and struggled, continuing her screams until she couldn't hear a thing. Everything went silent in Naomi's head. She resumed rocking back and forth, sniffling, curled up tight. She wasn't okay. The silence was worse than the whispers.

Jinx winced, but pushed the brilliant madness away. The green would be full and fuller after this. She’d have to spill a lot to get back. “Hauu~ My poor Naomi. You’re just like me.” She whispered sadly and held the curled up woman to her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead in a mockery of what Enx and Nao did when she wasn’t Jinx, and petted her fingers over the woman’s shoulders. She tried to be comforting, thought she was sure the claws did more damage than good when she saw the red lines left after each pet, and continued her litany. Interrupting it every now and then with a glance around the place. The corpses had disappeared now, except for the madwoman. Even the horr-, her mind stuttered and quaked, whatever had been there before was gone now. She just wanted Nao to feel better so they could go home. “Let’s go home Nao.”

Naomi drifted in a world of quiet. The kiss to her forehead cutting through the numb that had taken her over. She remembered that feeling. But, this wasn't Lizzie. This wasn't even Misery. This was... red... Naomi slowly began to let the sounds back in. A soft voice. Home. Naomi's eyes lightened. "Jinxy... Jinxy my medicine." As she came back, the whisperings started again. They were quiet, just muffled sounds echoing in the shadows. "P-p-please Jinxy... my medicine." It was in the backpack with the smaller girl.

She blinked, completely surprised that it had actually worked. Her Nao had come back. Jinx let go of the butterfly and pulled off her backpack. She didn’t much like the fact that Nao wanted the Medicine more than blood or her, but that didn’t matter. The hurt was also thrown to the green. She dug quickly through the pack and pulled out a small bottle with pills inside. Grimacing, Jinx pried open the lid and handed it to Nao along with a health drink. “Here Nao. Haven’t any water anymore.”

"Thank you Jinxy." She said softly, taking the pills and chugging them down with the health drink. It didn't taste very good, but reading the bottle, it was better than anything else this world had to offer. "You should drink one too, Jinx. It will help." She said softly before pulling the girl to her and hugging her tight. She cried softly against the girl's shoulder, arms locked around her waist. "Don't ever, ever leave me Jinxy. Don't ever, ever hate me..." The girl sniffled.

Jinx stiffened slightly before awkwardly returning the hug and patting Nao’s back. “Ah, No thanks. Nao-ne-na-o, you know I won’t leave. I can’t now.” She said, as the green inside twitches and shook at being so trapped. The Blue calmly slid into place with bits of soft pink. “Nao’s better now. She didn’t leave either. And Jinx is glad, because Nao didn’t Burn.” A few minutes more and her new- torn up coat gave in the watery tears and her shoulder was wet. Wincing and twitching, she tried the kiss thing again before extracting herself from the other woman’s arms and scuttling off to the corpse of the man one. Jinx dipped her claws in the blood and watched it’s partially congealed mass drip of the blades in chunks. “Naomi saved Jinx from the black first, then the Burning. Jinx couldn’t hate her even if Nao where to send her back to Before.”

Naomi shook her head. "I couldn't do that to you." She said quietly. "What happened...after he grabbed you, Jinxy? I sorta... lost it." Naomi stood, the medicine had taken effect and she didn't feel like crying anymore, the voices were gone. The health drink had given her back her strength, and the cut in her arm seemed to be healing rapidly along with the cuts she'd gotten from fighting other monsters. "Jinxy... you should really drink one of those... look." Naomi raised an eyebrow at the half-healed cut. "Weird, right?"

She shrugged and sighed, walking back to the backpack and Nao to grab a health drink. “You always could. It’s that you might, or might not.” She sipped at the bottle and winced as the stuff pushed at her insides. ‘Eeeeew’ She though, pulling a face, but she drank it anyways. If only for later, in case any monsters came. The bugs had really creeped her out. Pausing, Jinx thought back a moment, the Green looming at the back of her Blue-Gray-Pink mind. “Nothing happened Nao. I was burning along with the girl in the blue dress. The Madwoman made it so, remember? There were the bugs, which Nao-ne saved me from too.” She smiled briefly. “Then the Madwoman, then the Burning, and then the pretty friends of Nao’s appeared and made the burning stop.” The Green quivered and calmed, causing Jinx to let out a softly pleased sigh.

Naomi tilted her head and frowned. "They're not my f-" She paused for a moment, rethinking what the girl had said. "Wait... But... no? You... You don't, remember the guy with the triangle thing on his head? He grabbed you and... did something... and you started screaming and that was... why..." She tilted her head the other way. "You don't remember?" Lime green eyes darkened slightly and her frown deepened. "How can you not... remember?"

Jinx gave the woman a look, tossing the empty bottle at the headless corpse. The Green pulsed and throbbed at Nao’s questions but Jinx knew better than to think, so it settled into sultry watchfulness soon enough. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. There wasn’t any man there butterfly. Just the dead thing and the Blue-white not-friends.” She said, giving the corpse a kick for good measure before stretching, the skin around her neck no longer so blue and bruised looking. She put the pills back into the backpack and pulled it on before snagging the radio from Nao and checking it to make sure it wasn’t broken. That done, she held it out to her and smiled her more macabre smile.

Naomi looked confused for a moment, then blank. Maybe she'd been further past breaking than she realized. She sighed and stretched. "I'm getting sleepy. Want to go see if the apartments are as empty as the hospital was?" She asked as she made sure the radio was secure on her belt loop. She brushed a hand through her blood spattered hair. She hoped that, if they had the luck she prayed they did, she'd be able to take a shower and get it off of her. Blood was only nice when it was fresh.

“Sure Nao-ne-na-o!” She chirped, happy that things were settled and underway. The Green stretched lazily and curled feline-like under the red. As they’d already packed everything, Jinx just wandered to the door where the buggy bodies lay scattered about. Everything was still and quiet outside the door. Any signs of the bugs long gone. Jinx stretched happily, bouncing in place while waiting for her butterfly. “’d ya have the map Nao? Where do we go now, hm hm hmm?”

Naomi looked at the map. "Ehhh, that way, Jinxy." Naomi looked about cautiously. "Nothing to hurt us. Alright. Let's go." She smiled at Jinx and headed down the road again. The fog was still thick, the feeling still oppressive. "This place is menacing... I wonder why it's like this." She tilted her head as she brushed a hand over the radio to make sure it was still there. It was silent as the grave. She sighed. "I wonder..."

Jinx skipped ahead, completely happy again as the Green ate all the bad away. The sky was…..gray, the sun was…..sort of shining, and Nao was walking beside her. Nothing could go wrong! They wandered down many streets and alleys, once even running into a huge chasm in the road that seemingly had no end. Jinx had pondered just jumping over it, but Nao didn’t seem to like the idea, and the apartments weren’t that way anyways. Almost dying of boredom, Jinx rushed to her butterfly and clung to an arm, happily swinging their twined hands back and forth as they finally, Finally came to a stop in front of some apartment building that looked so normal it was almost creepy. “Eeeeew. Nao-ne, we’re not going in there are we?”

"Do you have a better idea? We need sleep, and this place looks safe. You can't tell me you're not getting tired." She squeezed Jinx's hand gently once. "Besides, we ran out of water and we need to find more. This is a logical place to look. Unless you want to walk all the way down that way to find a gas station..." Naomi raised an eyebrow. She really was tired. They'd been running all day it seemed. First Jinx broke down, then her. It was time for a nap at least.

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