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Naomi made it outside without too much trouble. Which way was the school then? Oh. Right. Across the lake. She sighed. According to her map there was a place to rent boats in Rosewater Park. She sighed again and stretched. "Alright..." She walked on her lonely way, avoiding areas where static started up. There were a few unavoidable scrapes, as the bird things could fly. Once or twice, she thought she saw the shadow of a child running around, but chalked it up to the mist. However, it did not deter her from reaching her destination. She looked at the entrance and frowned lightly. She'd have to navigate those pathways somehow. The park was... lonely, if not seemingly safe. She didn't feel the presence of anything here. Just the fog and the concrete. Sighing, she could smell the lake, though distantly. "Oh... This way then." She backtracked a couple of steps and headed down a pathway that took her straight to the water. A few feet down was a small shack with a boat rental sign on it. She walked over it, not expecting anyone. Of course she was right. She poked around for keys, but didn't find any. "You mean I have to go manually? Fuck me..." She muttered as she grabbed a couple of oars and headed out to the lake. Finding a boat, she began her row across the water. It was eerie, silent, not even the water making much noise. She shook in fear as she slowly made her way across the lake, only guided by the light from the lighthouse. "Twinkle, twinkle, little... bat... How I wonder what you're at..." Naomi tried to make herself feel better. This was going to be a long row.

There was a whimpered roar from the other side, which amused her greatly, so she kept pounding away. Laughing when a shadow skittered across the floor and the door was ripped open. “What do you think you are doing?!”

She rocked back on her unsteady feet and grinned up at the Blond haired man. Standing there in her messed up, once-white men's tee-shirt and nothing else, She was quite a sight to see. “Me? I think, it’s just a theory, that I was knocking. Knocking at your chamber door.” The man stared at her.

“I see. Any particular reason? I’m exceedingly busy right now. I don’t have the tim-“

“Oh but mister! The monsters are real scary. “ Jinx whimpered out in her best little girl voice. “I just hoped that you’d let me across your nice room there to the fire escape on the other side. Pretty, pretty please?”

Activating Puppy eyes that always worked on Mother. The man’s face flickered, then saddened, then hardened. “I’m sorry bu-“

“Thanks mister!” Jinx ducked under the man’s arm and made a dash for the window, admiring the decor on her way. Just as she was about to slip out the window, the migraine hit again. Hissing, she sat on the window sill and scrubbed at her face again. “You can’t just come in here like that! Mother will think you’re being rude!” Instinctively, Jinx looked over her shoulder, sighing when there was only a carved up body where her Enx should be. “It’s a really nice room mister 302. I’m apologizing to your Mother now. By leaving. Thanks for letting me in though. Ta-ta~!” With that she hopped out the window and onto the extremely rusted Other World fire escape… and immediately fell through the rusted metal towards the concrete waiting below.

It felt like Nao was moving nowhere. She could swear she was still in the middle of the lake, stuck in the fog. However, a great sense of relief washed over her as she finally saw some sort of shore through the fog, and finally, she made it to the other side. "Yes!" Naomi scrambled out of the boat and onto the shore. That felt so much better. She silently resolved never to have to use a row boat ever again. "Now..." Naomi sighed as she headed up to the lighthouse and checked her map. Gods she had a lot of walking to do. She wondered if she could jack a car at some point. Sighing, she headed for the road, once there she took a right and headed onward. She'd have to turn once she hit Bachman. However... it was going to be a nice little stroll just to get up this bridge to Sandford. "Hoh... where's Jinxy when you need her?" She whined morosely. She wanted her little sister here desperately. "Stupid mirror world..."

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