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Jinx melted inside, the feeling purple-pink and sparkly as her tense muscles relaxed under Naomi’s hands. “I don’t like this place. It’s too much like the Before. I’ll be okay for a while longer though.” She mused aloud, watching the woman’s eyes shift and take in the room. Jinx hummed her agreement loudly, Nao was completely right. Ivalice, the green part turned less sour, definitely didn’t have needle filled torture chambers like this place did. She stiffened at the question as images, memories, of the giant teeth and claws rushed back. “We are. I remember, ripping and chewing and bones snapping. It’ll be hard to put us back together again…” She giggled slightly, amused despite the irritating situation. “Like Humpty-Dumpty! With glue and plaster instead of horses and men though.” She winced suddenly as the walls throbbed with wrongness again. Holding herself still, she swept the room with green lit eyes and shuddered.

"I don't even want to think about it." Naomi shuddered. The thing about this place was that the walls were colored, not stark white. This was a comfort to Naomi, but it also made her wary. If they'd been white, she'd have been on edge, but at the same time she would have known how to handle it. Here, she didn't know what to expect. "This place creeps me out Jinx. What say you, we go and find a way out, hm?" She looked at the younger girl lovingly. She was glad to at least be here with her.

“Sure, Nao!” She chirped instantly. As distracting as the fact that it was a hospital was, the thought of exploring the outside, away from the needles and doctors and players, was too tempting to resist. Jinx plastered on a huge grin and hopped off the gurney, bouncing in place, when a thought hit her. “Butterfly, can you leave with the lead they put in you?” She asked, a hint of something like worry coloring her voice. If Nao couldn’t move she’d have to find a safe place for them to hide, Jinx decided suddenly. Nao was more important than the tantalizing newness of outside.

Naomi nodded slowly. "It just made me sleepy is all. I'm used to fighting it. Sooner or later it'll wear off and I won't feel like falling over." She laughed lightly and stood up. She'd fought sedatives before, she'd do it again. Especially for Jinx, who didn't need to be alone in this situation. She couldn't let the little one be frightened. Wavering for a second, she looked around. "Alright, see anything we could possibly use?" Here was her escape mentality. So many times, she'd left asylums behind, finding ways out on her own. It'd be different with a companion.

Jinx flashed her butterfly a brilliant smile. The woman was almost like a Player sometimes. Stretching the cramped feeling out of her bones, torn up coat and shirt lifting all the way to her stomach, she twisted around suddenly and made for the little cupboard at the side of the room. The thing was locked, but that wasn’t much of a problem to her. She’d gotten through DNA locked panels before, what’s a little thing like a tumbler lock? Extending one of her sharp claws, she gently inserted it in the keyhole and pushed in while yanking up simultaneously. The cupboard obediently clicked open and Jinx happily dove in to dig through the treasures inside. Squealing with delight, she stripped out of her coat and shirt to put on the pretty blue nightgown thing she’d found inside. Spinning around in a graceless pirouette she danced over to stand in front of Nao. “Lookie lookie! I found a new shirt! What do you think butterfly?”

Naomi covered her mouth and giggled. "It's perfect, Jinxy." She grinned lightly. How was she ever going to explain that one to the rest? Ah well, she'd find out later. Shuffling through the drawers and shelves in the room, she stuffed some bandages in her pockets along with some antiseptic cream. You never knew when you'd need one. She also grabbed a flashlight that she found in a drawer. If it was in there, it meant that this place must be prone to power outs. She'd keep it for good measure. "See anything else, Jinxy?"

She’d gone back to digging through her newly claimed treasure trove. A slight blush of pleasure dusting her nose. Nao had liked the new shirt…maybe a new coat would make it even better. Determined to find one now, she lifted the lid on a cardboard box on the bottom shelf. Inside was a small white kit with a large red plus sign and what looked like a hiking radio. The kind you could hang off a backpack or belt. “Ooo music for the Jinxy?” She giggled and picked up the radio and box, the rest of the cupboard’s contents having been deemed useless. “Look-it Nao! I found a radio... and a box.” Looking between the two she considered carefully and handed the box to Nao. “You can have the box. It has a red plus on it, so it’s got to be good for something, right?”

Naomi took the box and beamed. "You're brilliant, Jinxy!" Naomi kissed Jinx's head. They needed a bag now, it'd be easier to carry the first aid kit and her pockets wouldn't look so odd. She frowned lightly and looked in the closet. There were a few articles of clothing, but nothing special, at least, not to her. She tilted her head and looked through them. Ah, she lied. There, between a couple of coats, was a backpack. It was small, obviously a child's, judging by the bright red canvas and the size, but it would work. She took it out and packet the flashlight, the first aid kit, and the things in her pockets. "There we go. See anything else you like, Jinxy?" The older girl asked gently. She pat Jinx's head as she sat back down on the gurney.

Jinx was preening. Apparently the box had been something good after all. She coo-ed over the little red backpack too, red being a very, very good color in her eyes. Then it caught her attention. She stared at it the whole time Nao was looking through the closet, lower lip being chewed away to nothing while she longed for it. Nao’s question caused, for this reason, a hyper response of the traumatizing kind. Jinx flung herself into the closet with a shout of happiness and tackled the coat off the hanger, petting it lovingly after she slipped into it. “Naomi! Look! It’s prefect! Can I? I can can’t I? It’s perfect Nao. Butterfly~” Jinx continued on, blabbering in her excitement. The coat of bliss, as it was now dubbed, was a long, three quarter coat made of soft black faux leather that looked cracked with age. Jinx was utterly in love with it.

Naomi grinned and nodded. "Yeah, it's not as though anyone's going to come for it. Alright. Let's get going." She peered out of the doorway, looking in both directions. "Coast is clear, let's head out and find our way out." With Jinx in tow, Naomi headed down the corridor. She stayed close to the doors, knowing that at any moment they could be caught and put back in a room, or worse, separated. She kept silent, running a hand along the wall. To her dismay, she could hear voices coming toward them. In a split second, she pulled Jinx into the ladies' bathroom. Naomi put her finger to her lips and gestured at Jinx to be very quiet. She cracked the door and watched as the nurses came down the hall.

Jinx squirmed in her new coat. She didn’t much like being quiet. It was up there on The List along with old men and syringes. Sighing as Nao concentrated on the door and the Nurse’s clack-clacking heels, ‘What kind of nurse wears heels?!’, she spun around and around under the lights. Noticing a glint behind her, Jinx quickly made like a chocobo and went after the shiny. Which turned out to be a mirror. A big mirror. “Grandpa mirror.” She giggled, quietly so as not to disturb Nao’s listening, and leaned over the sinks to look closer at the mirror. The room behind her, the normal bathroom standard for a hospital, ‘hellhole’, was big, tiled, and whitish beige. Jinx waved at her reflection happily and showed off her new coat for a few minutes before turning back to try to convince Nao that the Nurse was probably gone by now. Then something shifted. She felt it, and it turned her icy blue-streaked-with-red-danger so fast that her head screamed with painful throbbing. Her reflection stared back at her, narrow eyed and almost hissing, ‘am I hissing?’ as the walls in the mirror cracked. The sinks, half invisible under the rim of the mirror, filling with bloody slime and grease and the dirt of months, years, and the whole room fell apart at the seams. Even her mirror self slowly decayed, skin slick and wet with blood and injuries ripped her form to pieces until Mirror-Jinx looked as she imagined she had when the Humbaba had gotten to her. Faintly trembling with adrenalin of the shock and rage kind, she wanted desperately to turn around and grab Nao and run for it. ‘Away, away, away!’ Then her mirror-self smirked and pressed a bloody hand to the glass. Jinx shrieked.

Silent Hill: Psychosis BreakWhere stories live. Discover now