Chapter Nineteen

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Just as Ms. Avery had said, the others were already in the dining room when Alek and Claire arrived. They all sat around a long rectangular oak table stained a dark, ruddy brown and polished to the point where it shone like glass. Draz glanced up briefly from his plate, which was piled high with all manner of food.

It was Arabella who broke the silence with a startled gasp.

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. "Claire! What on earth are you wearing?" she asked.

Claire looked down at her clothing expecting to see something amiss, or even exposed. Everything looked to be in place and Arabella's remark was met with a shrug as Claire glanced towards Alek. His eyes were downturn, a ghost of a smile struggling to make itself known on his lips.

"Seriously, Claire!" Arabella continued. "You should take a bit more pride in your appearance."

"I think she looks nice," Draz commented through a mouthful of food. Arabella shot him a withering glare and Draz returned his attention to his plate, struggling not to laugh.

"You are never going to find a man if you insist on dressing like one," Arabella declared with a slight upturn of her chin. To her credit, Arabella looked quite enchanting in green, the chiffon and white lace making her seem delicate and doll like. Her auburn curls fell in soft waves across one shoulder, held in place by a silver clip that had been fashioned to look like a rose.

At this, Claire quirked a brow. "Then I suppose it's fortunate for me that I'm not trying to find a husband," Claire replied. Arabella rolled her eyes. She felt Alek trembling beside her and looked to see his shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. At least he was enjoying this. She tried not to smile, wanting instead to smack him in the back of the head for not rescuing her from this awkward conversation.

"Then do it for yourself, Claire," she continued with a huff, " and don't you dare tell me you don't like looking pretty either. I've never met a girl who didn't enjoy dressing up every once in a while. At the very least you can look nice for the ball."

"Ball?" Claire questioned, looking back towards Alek for some sort of explanation. He was still staring at his feet, desperate to hide his quiet laughter.

"The Christmas Ball," Arabella declared, her expression one of exasperation and surprise. "You didn't ask her to go with you, Alek?"

At that, the laughter subsided rather quickly and Alek looked towards Claire. Draz looked as well, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

Alek cleared his throat, eyes shifting towards Arabella a moment before returning to Claire. "Well, I didn't think she would be interested," he admitted at last. "But, since you've brought it up and made this incredibly awkward... Claire, I would be honored if you would attend the Christmas Ball with me. If nothing else, I'm certain you would enjoy the dancing."

"Do we really have time for playing nobleman, Alek?" Draz snapped.

Alek sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "As much as I hate to admit it, under any other circumstance you'd be right, Draz," Alek said shaking his head slightly. His hand dropped down and he slipped both into the pockets of his trousers. "Unfortunately, I've got to maintain the illusion that all is well, that the Drosselmeyer family are one step behind the king, offering support and guidance to the crown. I've been gone for days with no contact. If I miss this event, not only will the king grow suspicious, but my father will as well."

"You say that like you're not," Draz grumbled then fell silent, seeming to have no further argument. Instead, he stabbed at his food like a petulant child who had just been reprimanded. Claire would have laughed if she hadn't felt just a little bit guilty.

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