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Levi POV

I was hunched over the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach, Erwin and Hanji were sat behind me rubbing my back. Once I was done, I got up from the ground with the help of Erwin.
Hanji and Erwin were at the front door, bag in hand waiting for me. I slowly walked over to her and put my jacket, boots, and black beanie on then made our way to the car.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and parked, we got out and started heading over to the grim building. Once inside we walked to the cancer Ward after parting ways with Erwin, where Hanji proceeded to check me in and talk to the nurse about the events that ran into the early hours of the morning. The nurse took me into a room where the nurse started injecting needless through the port in my chest, I watch as my friend frowned at the site. Erwin and Hanji truly were amazing friends, over the last two years they had put up with a lot. I was also lucky that both my friends happened to be doctors, and worked at this hospital.

My day consisted of falling in and out of sleep, nurse coming in for various reasons, and vomiting. I turned my head to look at Hanji who was talking to me about science.
"Hanji go home" my voice was raspy
"nope, sorry shortie you're stuck with me for the day" she said happily, she readjust herself in the uncomfortable hospital chair.
"I don't want you spending your day off here" I did feel bad Hanji, and Erwin's spent all most all their free time looking after me.
"I'd rather be here with you, if I'm at home all i'm going to do is worry so shut up and lets watch a movie" Hanji brought out her laptop and opened netflix.

"Levi come on, you have to eat something" Erwin was sat in front of me holding a bowl that had some crackers in it, just even looking at food lately was making me sick, I took the bowl from him he sat their till I had eaten a couple. It didn't take long for my body to reject the food I had just eaten. Erwin and Hanji quickly decided that I need to go back to the hospital since I hadn't eaten in two day.

At the hospital I was put into a room, Hanji an Erwin sat in chairs as we waited for the doctor, witch didn't take long.
"good evening" the doctor came into the room, he wasn't wearing scrubs or a lab coat.
"Dr. Jaeger, what are you doing here?" Erwin said, I looked at my two friends they genuinely seemed surprised that he was here.
"Carla and myself just came to see Eren, but their running some tests at the moment so I figured I would help out for a bit, on that note lets take a look, see what we can do" the doctor came over and started doing a exam, it hurts as he touched me my skin was bruised, dried and very sensitive.
"he hasn't eaten in two days" Erwin said as he draped my hoodie over my shoulder, Dr. Jaeger nodded, he then turned back to me.
"Levi, is your mouth sore?" I nodded, he got me to open my mouth so he could look.
" he also has severe nausea" Hanji crossed her arms
"I see, the best option at this point is a PICC line" I looked at my friends, I had no fucking clue what that was.
"we were thinking the same thing" Erwin looked over at me.
"it goes into your arm into the blood vessel that way you don't have to physically eat" Hanji sat on the edge of the hospital bed.
"okay" I agreed to have this thing put into my arm I was informed that they would put me under with local anaesthetic while they put the thing in.

It had been a few days since I had the PICC line put in, and I was starting to feel a bit better, but I was still in the hospital witched sucked, but it made Hanji and Erwin less worried knowing I was in the hospital then at home by myself.
"hey little buddy, how yeah doing" Hanji bounced into the room, I rolled my eyes.
"fine, just bored" I sat up, or at lest I tried to, Hanji ended up helping me.
"i'm going home in a few hours to shower and change, do you want me to bring your sketchbook and laptop?" she took her lab cot off and placed it on the chair.
"only if your coming back" I gave her a questioning look.
"I am, I'm covering in the ER for a bit tonight, so i'll bring your stuff when I come back" I nodded, Hanji sat on the bed and tolled me about a really weird case she was working.

Hanji had brought my stuff so I was now listening to music and drawing, when Dr. Jaeger came in, this time he was wearing a lab coat.
"how are you feeling today Levi" he grabbed my chart and looked through it.
"okay" I took out my headphones, and put my sketchbook down. he put my chart on the table then checked my PICC line and my port for infections. I had a huge bruise where the PICC line was.
"are you still feeling nauseous?" he grabbed a syringe and filled it with a clear liquid, and injected it through my port, I clench my jaw at the pain that was currently coursing through my body.

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