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Eren POV

"dad, I feel like shit" I lay in the hospital bed on my side hugging my knees to my chest.
"I know Eren, unfortunately it's going to get worse before it better" my dad rubbed my back.
I had gotten diagnosed with leukaemia just over a week ago, and I was under going my second round chemo. It sucked I wasn't allowed to do anything, I wasn't allowed to go hangout with my friends, It was either I was at home feeling like crap, or here feeling like crap. though my friends did come and visit as often as they could, especially Armin, and Mikasa.
"Eren I have to go check on some of my patients, I will be back in about an hour, Dr. Zoė will be in to check on you shortly" I rolled my eyes,i've learned Dr. Zoė was a whackdoodle, nice but a whackdoodle.
"she's not gonna talk about the whole process of photosynthesis again is she?" My dad chuckled.
"I can't guarantee that" my dad left the room, I only took Dr. Zoė five minutes before she she skipped into the room.
"gooood afternoon Eren!" Hanji said happily
"hi Dr. Zoė" I sat crossed legged on the bed.
"now, now what have I told you about calling me that" she started pulling out various drugs.
"call you Hanji" I smiled at her.
"yup!, any way how are you feeling?"
"horrible, I just want this to be over" she walked over to me with the needles, as she injured them my eyes started to water.
"okay, all done Eren" Hanji handed me a tissue so I could wipe my eyes.

I was stood by the nurse station waiting for my dad, so I could go home after being in the hospital for over a week.
"Eren!" I saw Dr. zoė and Dr. Smith coming down the hall way. I noticed neither of them were in work clothes.
"hey Hanji, you just getting in to work?"
"nope, we just came to get our friend" I gave her a questioning look. as if on cue my dad walked out of one of the rooms with a guy who didn't look like he was much older then me, his cheeks were hollow, his eyes had dark circles surrounding them and his clothes hung off his body, he clearly had been in treatment much longer then I have.
"hey Levi, ready to go?" Hanji went and grabbed his bag from him.
" yeah" his voice had no emotion in it.
"anything that we need to know Dr. Jaeger?" Dr. Smith looked to my dad.
"nothing new, you both know what your doing" I looked back over at the guy again. my dads pager went off, he looked at it.
"i'm sorry Eren, I need to go up to the OR, your going to have to wait" my dad turned around.
"we'll take Eren with us" Dr. Smith looked in my dads general direction as he made he was down the hall, my did however respond to what Dr. Smith just said.
"alright lets get going" Hanji said as she took my bag from me
"I don't mind waiting" I didn't want to inconvenience them
"you'll be here all night if you wait, beside me and Erwin are both doctors so you'll be fine" Hanji grabbed a copy of my chart to bring with her, then we headed to the car.

I have to admit it was a little strange being in my doctors house, I sat on the couch, Hanji was currently in the process of mixing this disgusting stuff that Hanji referred to as 'tea' she handed me the cup she had filled with it. I looked at her.
"Hanji please don't make me drink it" I gave her puppy eyes.
"not a chance kid, plug your nose and down that shit" I shied and drank the 'tea', I saw Erwin giving Levi needles it almost looked like he didn't even notice it. As I was watching Levi Hanji's phone rang, she got up and went into another room, while Hanji was in the other room talking Erwin did my needles.
"hey Eren, your dad will be by in a few hours to grab you" she smiled
"okay" I nodded
"now how about we eat" lucky for me, i've had very little nausea so I didn't avoid eating.
"sounds like a plan, can I help cook?" I said getting up and walking over to Hanji, I really enjoyed cooking, Hanji and Erwin just looked at each other.
"I think you should just relax"
"but I feel fine, not tired at all" I said looking at both Hanji and Erwin.
"trust me brat, thats not going to last" I turned my gaze to Levi, who now was in the process trying to drink the same 'tea' that I was forced to drink, he looked like he was having a hard time swallowing it.
"you can help by keeping me company since these two don't understand how to hold a conversation" Hanji pointed at her two friends, I noticed that both Erwin and Levi just rolled their eyes. I nodded and went to sit at the table with Levi.
"what should we make?" Erwin looked at Hanji
"not sure Eren, Levi?" Hanji was looking at us, Levi in response just raised his left arm, I looked at him confused.
"if we made soup would you try to eat?" Erwin lends back the kitchen counter, they both looked at Levi.
"fine.." Erwin and Hanji both smiled.
Hanji and Erwin started cooking, Hanji and me talked about various things, mostly science while Erwin set the table. once the the soup was done Hanji poured it in to four bowls and placed it on the table. we all started, except Levi who seemed to be contemplating weather or not he actually wanted to eat, he did however eventually pick up the spoon and slowly brought the spoon up to his mouth.

After dinner I managed to convince Hanji to let me help do the dishes, while she went to shower. when I was done with the dishes Hanji came out of the bathroom in her pyjamas, and joined me in the kitchen.
" thanks for doing the dishes! its my least favourite part of cooking"
"thanks for letting me come and hang out here for a bite, and for dinner" as Hanji sat at the table, Erwin reemerge from his room in his work clothes.
"heading to work?" Hanji watching as Erwin put on his shoes.
"yeah, I see you guys later oh and Hanji Levis already asleep so don't bug him"
"okay, okay" we waved goodbye as Erwin headed out the door. Me and Hanji ended up playing cards until my dad came to get me.

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