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Levi POV

"Levi, I'm going to work did you want to come and see Eren?" Erwin was putting his coffee cup in the sink, I nodded and got up to get get ready to leave. when we got to the hospital I walk to the cancer ward, when I got their I saw Hanji.
" hey Hanji" I walked up to her.
"hey, came to see Eren?" I nodded
"yeah" I followed Hanji to Eren's room, I saw Erens mom sitting next to the bed, Hanji knocked on the door, Mrs. Jaeger turned around and smiled.
"Eren's still asleep I see" Hanji smiled
"yeah, he's never been a morning person, good morning Levi" I gave a small wave.
"has old man Pixies come to talk to you and Dr. Jaeger yet?"
"not yet, I was actually just going to met up with Grisha so we could go talk with him" she ran her fingers through Eren's hair.
"Dr, Jaeger is just finishing up with a patient" Hanji smiled, Mrs. Jaeger got up out of the chair.
"all right, keep him company while i'm gone" she turned to me, I nodded and watched as they both left the room.

It was afternoon before Eren woke up, at first he was disoriented and couldn't focus, but eventually he snapped out of it.
"about time sleeping beauty" I gave him a small smile.
"if I was sleeping beauty, you would have had to kiss me to wake me up" his voice was groggy, he tried to sift so he was on his side.
" yeah know, normal its the other way around, kinda strange not being the one in bed" I grabbed the cup on the table next to me and handed it to him.
"you're more then welcome to come lay down with me he grinned, I just rolled my eyes.
"not happening"
"how long have you been here?" Eren rubbed his eyes.
"ten minutes", ( that was a total lie). I stayed with Eren till his mom got back, then I decided I should go home, I was getting tired not that i'd admit it.

the next day I walk to work early and set up my station, and deal with the mass amount of emails. It was an hour before Petra walked through the the door carrying a bag of sour gummy worms.
"morning Levi" she started settling up.
"morning" I was reading a text from Hanji.
"I thought Eren would be with you" I took my eyes off my phone tp looked at her.
"hospital" she frowned, she knew what I meant, and didn't ask any more questions.
The morning was extremely busy with appointment, and by one o'clock I was starting to feel tired, luckily things started to slow down a bit. I finished my last appointment, and started to clean up, when I started to feel light headed so I leaned against the counter hoping Petra and Eld wouldn't notice.
"go sit down" Petra was glaring at me from across the counter, I shied I was to tired to argue with her so I went into back room to lay down.

"clearly working a full eight hours is to much for you" I was walking with Hanji into the hospital.
"Hanji, I was fine Petra was just over reacting" I rolled my eyes, and continued to ignore Hanji as she lectured me about taking better care of myself.

I was so exhausted from the last three days that I basically just slept the whole day witch made the day go a lot quicker, Dr. Jaeger came and unhook me from the IV tube so I could go home. Before I left I went and saw Eren he had his eyes shut but I could tell he wasn't sleeping.
"hey" Eren opened his eyes and smiled
"you finally decided to wake up" I went and sat down, he was smirking at me.
"your one to talk, your dad said you basically slept all day to"
"how was work yesterday?" he sat up, witch took a great deal of effort.
"exhausting, all I wanted to do all day was crawl back into bed and sleep" he laughed.
"maybe you should just work half days?"
"maybe, I know this is going to piss you off, cuz it definitely pisses me off when people ask this...how are you feeling" this is something we just don't ask each other for obvious reasons.
"like crap, they increased my dosage again, so i'm back at square one" he bit his lip, this was totally fucked up Eren had stage one he shouldn't be this sick, i'm the one that showed be here not him.
"i'm sorry Eren, I know this sucks" he shook his head.
"don't be, my dad said this was normal, oh and hey my mom said you spent all of Tuesday sitting in here so I wouldn't be alone" he grinned
"nope, I was only here for a few hours and that was after you woke up" he rolled his eyes.
" so, wanna watch a movie with me?" he smiled
"Eren, I can't visiting hours are over for the day I shouldn't even be in here" I started to stand up.
"oh.." his head was down.
"I'll come back tomorrow and watch movies with you" he nodded I said good night.

"maybe you should stay home today Levi" Erwin handed me a glass of water so I could rinse the taste of vomit out of my mouth.
"i'm fine, lets just go" I got up off the floor and headed to the front door.

"you look like shit" Eren said as I walked over to his bed.
"your one to talk" I sat on the end of his bed.
"if you weren't feel well you should have stayed at home" he frowned
"i'm fine, just tired"
"then come lay down with me" he moved over, so I went and laid down.
" what do you want to watch?" I pulled out my laptop and turned it on.
"prison break?"
"I honestly didn't think you'd like a show like that" I logged into netflix and put on the first episode.
"it has Wentworth Miller, of course I like" we watched three episodes before we both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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