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Levi POV

It had been a few weeks since Dr. Jaeger brat came to our place to hangout while his dad finished up at work, and since then I noticed a huge decrease in his energy level, witch wasn't surprising in the least, he also was staring to eat less (according to Hanji). I heard a knock on my door and opened my eyes to see Eren standing in the door, I didn't even try sitting up, I knew I didn't have the energy.
"what?" it came out ruder then intended, he then looked like he wasn't sure if he should leave or stay, it took him a moment to decided.
"i'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"no" I ended up making an attempt to sit up, witch was exhausting and painful, we sat their in an awkward silence for a few moments.
"do you want to watch a movie with me?"
"why not" I shrugged, he smiled and walked into the room, set up his Ipad and got comfy in the chair next to the bed, Eren put on deadpool. I ended up falling a sleep, I was woken up by a nurse doing her rounds, I looked out the window and saw it was still light after she was done I shut my eyes and went back to sleep.

In the early stages of cancer you have good days and bad day, unfortunately for me I had far more bad days then good, for me at this point what I conceded to a good day was when I didn't vomit every ten minutes, or felt like I had this constant weight on my chest witch made hard to breath. But unfortunately today was a bad day, a very bad day, I was having an extremely hard time breathing even with an oxygen make, and I felt like I was just constantly vomiting the worst part was that I couldn't sleep or talk everything hurt way to much.
At some point that day Hanji came in with Petra, they sat and talked to me although i'm not quite sure what their are talking about.
When I woke up I was feeling better, well better then I had the last time I was awake.

" morning sleeping beauty" I looked over to see Hanji and Erwin.
"hey, whats going on?" my voice was groggy
"you've had the flu for the past two weeks" Erwin said as he removed the oxygen mask from my face, I just nodded.
"you had us scared for a bit their shortie" Hanji gave a small smile, I noticed I had a bandage on my arm where the PICC line had been
"Dr. Jaeger took it out, it was starting to get infected" Erwin tried hand me a cup of water.
"is he going to put it back in?" I pushed the cup away from me.
"probably not, him and old man pixies want you to try to eat"

I heard yelling from next door, Eren mom was trying to get him get up and walk around witch he didn't want to do, I don't balm him I had the same reaction when Hanji, and Petra tried to get me to do that. I saw Hanji walk past the room into Erens, then I saw Dr. Jaeger pulling his wife out of the room telling her to not push Eren, shortly after Hanji came and forced me to eat, she sat down in the chair I knew she wouldn't leave until I tried to eat something, I glared at her.
"you don't have to sit their"
"yes I do, otherwise you won't eat" Hanji opened her water bottle and took a drink
"your satan" I shifted my gaze to the 'food' that Hanji just gave me.
"nope, that would be you my friend and if it makes you feel any better i do this to Eren as well.
"that poor brat has enough to worry about without you being a crazy stalker"
"i'm not crazy, remember old man pixies made me get tested!" she laughed.
"yes, but psychopaths can easily make people believe that they are not a threat"
"true, now eat" she pointed at the tray of food.
"I can't"
"and why would that be?" she gave me a concerned look.
"it hurts to" Hanji shied
"okay, we'll have to figure something out for that, but I wish you would have told me sooner" she took the tray, and put it on the table next to her, then got up and left. Hanji came back a few minutes later with Dr. Jaeger following her.
"Levi can you open your mouth for me?" I did as he asked, he took a few minutes then told me he was done.
"so?" Hanji was on the other side of the bed, she had placed her hand on top of mine, I honestly think she has had a harder time excepting whats going on with me then I did.
"we'll put the PICC line back in, Im quite concerned with how much weight you've lost in a week" he said as he wrote something down in my chart.
"when can you put it back in?" Hanji inquired
"tonight" Hanji nodded

when I woke up my arm was a little sore from where they had put the PICC line in. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to see what time it was, 1am that meant the nurse would be coming in todo rounds soon, I looked out the door when I saw someone trying to seek out, it was Eren of fucking course it was.
"the fuck you doin Jaeger?" I kept my voice low enough so only he could hear. he jumped, clearly I scared him Eren quickly made his way into my room.
"i'm sneaking outside, I hate being cooped up in this place" he grind
"good luck with that" (he wont make it down the hall) I thought as I watched him zip up his hoodie.
"wanna come, you haven't been out of the hospital for over a month right?" I shook my head, and looked at all the wires I was hooked up too I saw Eren frown
"nah, i'm to tired for mission impossible"
"I can get wheelchair, that way you don't have to walk" he pointed to the the corner of the room.
"no, besides i'm telling you right now, you're not going to make it down the hall" he crossed his arms
"just watch me!" he quietly left the room, a few minutes later I saw the nurse escorting Eren back to the room, I smirked as he passed by.

"hi" I opened my eyes and saw Eren standing beside my bed staring at me, holding his Ipad to his chest
"watch a movie with me?" honestly I didn't want to watch a movie, unfortunately I made the mistake of making direct eye contact with him he looked depressed he was probably lonely more then anything and he seems to be a very social person so I bet being in this place was killing him.
"fine, but no fucking disny movies" he grinned and nodded, we ended up watching 50/50 witch ironically was about a guy with cancer.
"well, that was totally accurate" Eren said sarcastically
"oh yes, definitely we totally have that much energy" I rolled my eyes, Eren started laughing so much started coughing, he eventually was able to calm himself down.
"you okay?" he nodded
"everything hurts when I cough" I nodded
"yeah, I get that" It was silent for a moment before he spoke.
"do you think they'd let us go outside" I shook my head.
"no, your immune system is completely compromised" he shied
"i'm so board" Eren slumped in his chair
"didn't your friends come and see you the other day?" I gave him questioning look.
"no, I told them not to come, their studying for exams right now" I nodded
"are you in university?"
"yeah, but it was recommended that I take a leave of absence for now" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"that sucks, what were you studying?"
"engineering, what about you?" he smiled
"never finished high school" he looked surprised
"seriously? then what do you do?"
"tattooing" I closed my eyes, I felt really nauseous suddenly.
"thats really cool! I all was wanted a tattoo, but I was afraid of how much it was going to hurt" he gave an awkward little laugh.
"it can be uncomfortable sometimes, but I find that it depends on were people want the tattoo done, and their pain tolerance"
"are you going to vomit?" I opened my eyes back up, Eren had grabbed a bucket from beside the bed and put it on the bed next to me. He got his answer when threw-up in the small bucket he had just handed me.

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