Part 2

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On the last day of travel, (they did not know that their journey was coming to an end), the pair of gems went on a walk near a sand bank. There, they found a creamy-pink, wonderfully beautiful, perfect, round, sphere.

"Hello!" Said the sphere. "I am Cherry Pearl. Nice to meet you!"

Cherry Pearl took one glance at Pearl and inhaled sharply.

"And that is an Opal. I haven't seen an Opal in such a long time! Come, follow me, you must meet the rest of us!"

Cherry Pearl admired Opal, although still ignoring Pearl. *sigh* I guess I'm still invisible and worthless here, too, even though we're both pearls. How rude...Pearl thought as the three gems walked through the sand to a shallow dip in the bank. Cherry Pearl tucked in and rolled down the slight inclination, landing in a soft bed of thick but dry seaweed. She gestured for them to come down, then paused, realizing that Opal was not a sphere, but a rounded oval. Cherry Pearl stopped, but then decided that as long as she supervised, Opal could tumble down the hill as well. First went Pearl, cherishing the warm and golden grains of sand that slid past her uncut surface. A strange thought crept into her mind. Why so I feel so...comfortable and "at home" here? Could it be that I...that I'm worth something? No, she thought. Better not get my hopes up too high.

After Opal rolled lopsided-ly down the hill, Pearl and Opal were wonderfully surprised at the assortment of pearls that were there. All colors: green, pink, (different shades of pink, not dissimilar to Cherry Pearl) blue, and yellow. Why aren't there any black pearls like me? Pearl thought as her heart sank lower and lower with every different colored pearl she saw. As the trio of friends were walking by, every pearl gave her looks of genuine surprise and wonder.

"You," Cherry Pearl explained, "Are the first Black Pearl in 156 years. (AN: Quite the exact number. Idk why my 10 year old self chose that, but that's what it is I guess) Black Pearls are incredibly rare and priceless. A beau like you would probably be worth around €1,500. You see, we pearls are the most special type of gem on this planet. We," she paused. "Are the only gem produced by a living creature. Oysters are our mother. Our nourishers. Our protectors. They are the beings that flourish our beauty and uniqueness."

While Opal was simply absorbing all of this new information with awe, Pearl was angry, and asked Cherry Pearl,

"So I'm actually worth something. I should be treated with care and caution. Specialty. Not tossed around like an old ratty beanbag."

Cherry Pearl was horrified.

"Is that how you're treated where you come from!? That is a nightmare to all us pearls. Lumpy or smooth, dark or light, pearls should be treated with the utmost attention and care."

Hearing this, Pearl nudged Opal. Cherry Pearl butted in said,

"First let us polish you. Pearl - that's your name, right? You are all scratched and dull."

Although mildly offended, Pearl agreed.


After a thoroughly refreshing buff and polish, Pearl was beautiful, shining - and free. Free of all the dirt and scuffs and dust. And not only free of the physical stuff, but free of all emotional burdens as well. Sharp-tongues words. Insults. Mocks. Teases. Pearl was free. Finally.

577 words.

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