Part 4 (Conclusion)

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After that one little squabble with the REDASTAQ, Diamond and his "crew" haven't bothered Opal and Pearl. Opal healed her heart and learned to accept just how much of a jerk Diamond was. Pearl lived happily ever after (AN: Oh...the clichés are real, friend, REAL!! xD) knowing she was special and unique.

Whoever may be reading this, just know that you are as special and priceless as Pearl. Even more so, because you have a wonderful, valuable life, not just some "existence" of a fictional character. However many hardships you experience, however much pain, and doubt, hate, even self-harm - you are special and unique and one in 7.6 billion. (AN: Thanks, Google) Don't try to act cool and coat yourself in lies and fake reality (AN: ...I swear...I think that my younger self may have written this for the me I am now...bc that is exactly what I'm doing...). No one else can be like you. Not one person. Believe in yourself. Have confidence. And if you don't? Yep out into the world and show yourself. You may meet someone you really, really like, and become best friends with them! That friend may turn into a boyfriend/girlfriend. And then, who knows? A spouse, even. Don't back down if someone laughs at you. Fly your true colors. Be proud. Proud that you are you.

I'm sure that many, most, maybe even all, know that the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is completely not true. In fact, I often find the opposite true. I find this saying much more accurate: "sticks and stones only break bones, but words can shatter the soul." Much more morbid, but accurate, no? Life doesn't get easier. You get tougher.

Whatever talent you may have, be it public speaking, humor, artistic skill, musical ability, kindness, empathy, generosity, wisdom, ANYTHING - YOU ARE SPECIAL.

321 words.

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