CPR (Klance)

901 23 32

(Set before season 3)
HELLO!!! I'm back once more! Cause who doesn't like some good ol' Klance ;)

Also have a pic of my baby up top^
Now let's get into the first One-Shot!

There was only one thing Keith hated when it came to missions, and that was his friends getting hurt. He hated it.

That's why on the mission he thought would go smoothly took the worst turn possible.

They were going to a planet full of vibrant colors and exotic inhabitants, with big oceans and tall mountains. Sadly at this point in time one of the most dominant colors was purple, god Keith was starting to hate that color.

They were just starting to drive the Galra back when Lance called through the coms.

"Hey Guys? I'm under some heavy fire and there's already extensive damage to Blue's hull."

Keith understood what he was saying, Red was along some heavy fire as well, but not to bad.

A moment later Shiro's reply made its way to his ears.

"Hmm do you think blue can sustain forming Voltron? If we can do that we can wipe out most of them." That would be helpful but could Blue take it?

So instead of assuming anything he simply asked, "How bad is it Lance?"

There was a chuckle and then a reply for the Cuban boy, "To answer Shiro's question, Maybe I'm not to sure. And to answer yours Keith, there's a small hole in the hull, but I know ol' Blue here can survive it."

Keith was about to tell him that, a hole in Blues hull is pretty major, but Shiro cut him off.

"Alright, everyone FORM VOLTRON!"
(10 second or so Time Skip cause I don't wanna describe that ;-; rip)

It was once again going smoothly until Voltron randomly broke apart back into the five lions.

Keith was confused until he turned and saw blue draw the thirty feet into the water, where's Lance? He asked himself.

And then his heart dropped when he caught sight of Lance falling thirty feet into the chilly water. He wouldn't be that worried in the first place, but the fact that Lance's Helmet was no near the Cuban boy made Keith put red into full speed.

He about screamed when a few Galra fighters crashed into Red sending him spiraling.

As he was regaining his balance his brain registered his teammates worried cries. They were all shouting for Lance, they all saw him fall.

But the Galran Commander apparently saw there dilemma as hundreds of more fighter jets were sent out.

Keith groaned in worry and frustration, now he couldn't grab Lance! He just hoped Lance could stay afloat, even in the armor.

Soon he heard Shiro yell through the coms, "Keith go after Lance! The paladin armor is not very buoyant."

Keith gave a hum of acknowledgement and put Red into a dive towards the blue waters below. As he was doing so he heard Pidge tell Shiro and Hunk that they should grab blue and retreat.

He refocused on his mission, find Lance. Sadly his brain did not allow him to think of good scenarios, What If he drowned! Or a Galra captured him! He quickly shook the thoughts away as Red was engulfed by water, Keith looked around and caught sight of Blue. He let out a gasp of horror as he turned and saw the blue paladin floating towards the bottom.

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