Dance With Me

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*Pic above by me :3 Kinda proud of it*

HEY I'm back again :3

Anyway here's an AR (Alternate reality, cause it should be that for this fandom) where Keith is full Galra and Lance full altean! And everyone else in the crew is some sort of alien. I'll have a Pic I drew of Lance down below ;)

The purple furred commander stood at the edge of the ball room watching as both Alteans and Galrans and many other species danced together .

It had been 10 years since the war ended and peace was brought to the universe, the Galrans finally seeing the error in their ways. Every year since the war ended there was a ball held, where everyone of any species could come to enjoy themselves and meet other aliens.

Sadly there were still need for commanders, such as himself, due to some occupants of planets did not wish for the peace that had come.

So here he was, a battle worn commander, standing in a room full of happy, dancing faces.

He planned to keep to himself until the end, seeing as he hated interaction (Same). But that was not how it went down.

As he stood there another Galran approached him, it was his friend Shiro. There was also an Altean with him, a woman who stood a bit taller than himself and had long white hair, she stood on the side that Shiro's prosthetic arm was.

"Keith!" Greeted Shiro patting him on the shoulder, "Why the glum look? It's a party!"

Shiro always had that type of outlook on everything, find the best in it and forget the worst, it was kinda hard to make him angry. (Unless your Slav)

"I'm not glum... Just not a fan of dances." Replied Keith.

Wanting to break the awkwardness, Keith guessed, the woman on Shiro's left reached out a hand.

"Anyway my name is Princess Allura of Altea, a pleasure to meet you!"

Keith shook her hand with a small smile, "Pleasure is all mine princess."

Shiro then turned to Allura and said, "Want to dance Princess?"

Allura agreed and the two walked over to the dance floor.

Keith just rolled his eyes and went back to surveying the room.

It wasn't even ten minutes before an Altean caught his attention.  A man in Silver and Blue, his hair whiter than Allura's and the prettiest blue eyes ever.

Keith wanted to take his eyes away but he couldn't, the Altean was stunning!

To his dismay (or pleasure he couldn't decide) the Altean met his gave, and smiled! Keith quickly looked away but soon felt a light tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to meet Ethel striking blue eyes of the Altean, "Hello!" Greeted the man, his voice like music.

"Uh... hi." Replied Keith, The Altean just giggled and continued on, "The names Lance! I'm a guard for the princess! And you are?" Said the one known as Lance, holding out a hand.

Keith hesitantly shook it, " Keith, Commander."

"Nice to meet you Keith! Know how about a dance?" Asked Lance with a wide grin.

Keith felt heat rise to his purple cheeks and his ears perk up, "W-What?"

"Awww come on! Dance with me! It'll be fun, besides form the looks of it you're quite lonely!" Said Lance bouncing on his toes.

"S-sure" replies Keith trying to compose himself, even though he was internally screaming.

Lance just grins wider and grabs his hand pulling him to the center of the dance floor right as a slow song comes on.

Lance just simply smiles and the two start to slow dance together.

~Tiny Time Skip~ (pun intended)

"We should do this more often" Said Lance once the dance started to conclude.

"You can want to?" Asked a confused Keith, why would such a stunning man like Lance want to dance with Keith more?

"Of course! Your the only one who hasn't wanted to talk to me just because I was a guard!" Replied Lance with a chuckle.

Keith just smiled and said, "Alright then it's a date." He subconsciously face palmed at his words.

Surprisingly Lance just grinned wider, "A date it is then."

With one effortlessly quick movement Lance kissing him on the cheek and walked off, waving a hand over his head in fairwell, "See ya at that date!"

Keith just stood there as he comprehended what happened, with a smile he turned and Wales towards his ship unable to sustain his joy.


Sorry it's short but it's so late and I haven't gotten sleep all weekend ;-; so here you are and good night!

The only art piece I'm actually proud of >.>


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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