Corney Story: One sided Love chapter 6

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hi guys, Parishparishian here! thanks for those who keeps on reading this even though it kinda sucks.... anyways sorry for not updating for weeks.... but this chapter is kinda long, oh and in this chapter, the really really really really long flashback will come to an end already yay!

Kin: Finally! the flashback's over! it took you long enough!
ME: Shut up! how'd you even get into our house!?
Kin: well let's just say someone likes leaving the keys under the doormat
Me: *throws a watermelon at kin but Kin dodged it* get out!
Kin: okay okay! sheesh!
Me: ooh! but do the disclaimer first!
Kin: pff fine! Parishparishian dosen't own Grojband or any character and song in it, accept for Patricia, ENJOY!



Its been almost half a year since Corey left for the record deal. It didn't took Corey too long to be Famous. Right now he's at the backstage waiting for his concert to start in half an hour.

He was talking to Laney using skype backstage.


"Hey babe, I miss you." Said Corey. Right now he's backstage waiting for his concert to start and since it'll start in half an hour, he's spending that half an hour to chat with me.

"Wow, it didn't get you too long to be famous huh hot shot?" I said with a smirk. "Well what can I say Lanes? I'm too irresistible." Corey said with a pose, I just laughed at his pose.

"Well aren't you modest?" I said after I calmed down from laughing at his pose. After that we just looked at each other. I really miss Corey, sure I still talk and see him using skype but its just different when he's really here beside me.

"*sigh* you know Lanes? I really miss you and the band, and everyone else." He said in a bit of a sad tone.

"Well look at the bright side Core, at least you're famous now. I mean didn't you said that you want to be big? Well there you are now, being famous, making concerts and amazing songs!" I said in my most comforting voice, he just gave me a warm smile.

"Yeah I guess you're right Lanes, but it would've been better if-" before Corey can finish his sentence someone called him. "Yo Riffin! Your up in 5!" "Yeah yeah I know I know Patricia!" "Who's that blue?" "Oh, this is lanes she's-" before Corey could introduce me the girl pushed him out in front of the screen and smiled at me.

"Hey there Lanes! My name is Patricia! I'm Corey's manager! Wow, Corey's right! You do look hot! I wish Mr. Big Daddy gave you a record deal too!." At the first part of her sentence its all cheerful tone but at the part where she wishes I was given a record deal it's a sad tone. (A/N: lets just say Corey always tells patricia how wonderful Laney is, and so since then she always wanted to meet her.)

"Yeah, I know, Lanes is hot right? Oh and Laney this is my naggy, pain in the ass manager Patricia. She and Trina that's fused with Katrina has the same personality." Corey said while getting up from glaring at Patricia cause she pushed him.

"I don't care Blue head! And anyways that's my job! Being a good pain in the ass manager that I am." Patricia said glaring at Corey. From how she talks to Corey and glares at him I'm sure that she is just like the new Trina.

"Mr. Riffin you're concert is gonna start now!" I heard a boy call Corey.

Corey walked away while screaming "Bye Lanes, Love you!" after Corey left his manager waved at me and gave me a warm smile. She's wearing a white polo with a black loosey tie, black leggings, black high heels and she has a short dark hair, and she has big dark eyes too.

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