Part 4

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(Y/N) Pov

You pulled your scarf back up and put your hat back on before saking his hand

You: "hello Ozpin (Y/N) (L/N) and this is..." 

thinking it would be weird to introduce her as the doll you make up a name for her 

(Y/N): " Um... Evetta"

Ozpin skakes her hand noticing her segmented fingered but shrugs it off

Ozpin:  " I would like to ask you both some questions in my office"

( time skip to ozpins office  brought to you by chibi (Y/N) riding on chibi dolls shoulders )

You arrived at ozpins offibe with the doll/ Evetta what ever you want to call her 

He then sits down at his desk and takes a sip out of a mug

Ozpin: " So tell me what are and where are you from Mr (L/N)and how are old are you"

(Y/N): "I'm a yharnarm beast hunter sir I don't remember where I'm from and I'm 18 or at least that's how old I was when I arrived in yharnarm"

Ozpin: "what is yharnarm?"

(Time skip brought to you by chibi team RWBY spying on (Y/N)

Ozpin: "sounds bad at yharnarm."

(Y/N):" you have no idea"

Ozpin: "well (Y/N) it's clear that you're skilled so would you like to join my school we train future huntsman and huntresses to protect the people however here you won't face the challenge alone and your comrades won't go insane also we will provide you with a home and food"

(Y/N):" well I guess it wouldn't hurt"

Ozpin: "good your room will be ready in the morning but for now you'll bunk with team RWBY yams will be here to escort you to their dorm shortly also you'll will have to go through initiation tomorrow too also here is your scroll of your have any trouble with it ask. team RWNY they'll help you... oh and last thing please showers the smell of as you call it 'blood and beast'is not pleasant"

You nod as yang comes out of the elevator behind you 

Yang: "hey cutie~"

You blush under your scarf as the doll defensively pulls you behind her.

Time skip to RWBYs dorm brought to you be chino team RWBY and doll spying on (Y/N)

You walk in and see ruby messing with her schtye Weiss studying and Blake reading.

Yang: "Guys guess what? (Y/N) is bunking with us to tonight!"

At the sound of this Ruby and Blake instantly get interested in the situation while Weiss just mumbled to herself while studying.

Blake : "wait where is he going to sleep there's so only 4 beds?"

You:"oh don't worry about it I'll just sleep on the floor besides the floor here is look more comfortable than the ones in yharnarm considering they're not covered in blood and various other things."

You start to lie down on the floor before the doll stops you

Doll:"Hunter don't forget what ozone told you about the shower."

You: "oh yeah don't even know what a shower is but might as well try."

You say as you get but you remember you don't know where it is 

You: "umm where is this shower"

Weiss groans as she gets up

Weiss: "come on  I'll show you"

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