Going out with a yang

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Y/N pov
After Blake made you pull all the fish back you were sore to the next morning. You got yo did you morning routine and decided to spend your last day at beacon sleeping in and pretty much entering to class late. You showed to ports class 25 minutes late.

Port:"Mr.Y/n why are you so late!"he yelled more disturbed by the fact that you interrupted his story

You:"I slept in plus I didn't really see a point in being on time today because you know last day here"

Port:"and why are you leaving!"

You simply sighed and wondered if anyone had enough insight to understand and that when a female voice different from the last(imagine yui's voice from trinity seven)

??:" wow everyone in this word seems much dumber than in yharnarm"?
You:"did anyone hear that?"
You waited for a response but heard nothing

You:"then I can't tell you"

Port seems disgruntled them sighs and says
Port:"well then at least give us a show" he said as he lowered down a cage and unleashed a beowolf that charged straight at you.

You:"oh so you want me to go out with a- "
you stop and pull out your blunderbuss and shit the beowolf I'm the head

Yang was the only one who laughs while everyone just face palms
Port:*sigh*" you can leave Mr. L/N"

You chuckle on the way out and leave to go do other things

Time skip brought to you by chibi Y/n hunting beast

You simply walked around the campus and enjoyed the calm but inside you knew the next day would probably be a start killing spree something you didn't enjoy doing but ,hey, you have to. You kept walking until a certain blonde interrupted your thoughts

Yang:"hey hottie! Nice pun in class today"

Y/n:"oh thanks yang" you said

Yang:" sooo can I join you in your walk?"

You:"go ahead"
You and yang then walked in peaceful silence until yang broke it.

Yang:" I know a good bar in vale want to join me?"

You:"aren't you to young to be drinking?"

Yang:" I know the owner he doesn't care "

You"hm... ok then"

Yang:"ok just let me go change meet at the bull head at 8."

You watched as she walked away and then returned to your dorm. When you entered you saw Maria and the doll doing homework,or more accurately Maria struggling to do it and the doll helping her.

Maria:"what the fuck is this!! This doesn't make sense!"

You:*gasp*" Maria that is no way for a lady to talk!" You say teasing her. The doll.  Giggles at this

Maria :"Oh shut up! You didn't even go to classes today!"

You chuckled in response and pulled a
Book from your shelf you Bahamas to read to pass that time. While reading the doll says
Doll:"so hunter do you have any plans for your last day?"

You:"i didn't but then yang invited to go to a bar with  her"

Maria:"wait your to  young to be drinking"

You:"well depends on what age ,physically I'm about 18 -19 but mentally I'm god knows how long"

Maria:"what does that mean?"

You:"I've seemed some weird shit" you simply responded

Maria:"well anyway what time do you meet her?"

Upon saying this you looked to the clock and realized it was 7:57
You immediately got to from your seat and hauled ass to the bull head. Once you hit there yang was already waiting
Yang:"well your late" she said slightly annoyed

You:"sorry lost track of time reading"

Yang:*sigh*" well I guess it doesn't matter let's go"

Timeskip to the bar

You and Blake were sitting at the bar while people gave you weird looks. Which was understandable considering the way you were dressed.

Owner:"Hey yang how are ya!" He said as he approached you 2 from behind the bar

Yang:"I'm good, the usual please"

Owner:"ok and you sir"

You:"give me the entire bottle of the strongest thing you got"

Owner:"ok that would be... this" he said as he handed you a bottle that read Vodka de diablo.

You open it, tipped down your hat and pulled down your scarf and begin drinking

You and yang and discussed yalls back story's . Yours almost brought yang to tears but another strawberry sunrise brightened her mood. By the end of the night yang was hella drunk while you were just find. You had to carry yang out but yang wasn't having it

You:"yang you can't walk"

Yang:*hiccup*" yes I can" *hiccup*"I'm not as think as you drunk I am."

With that final statement yang collapsed. The only thing stopping her from falling was your arms. You simply sighed and walked back the beacon. When you got there everyone was already asleep so you set yang down picked that lock and managed to get yang in her bed. After that you left and got some sleep because after all tomorrow was the day


ALRIGHT the next chapter will be the last one in this volume so you know what that means VOTING TIME 2 people already messaged me ther votes and it was one for Maria and one for the doll the choices are below
Voting stops Friday

Now let the voting BEGIN

Male!Bloodborne Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now