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Y/N pov

You wake up and on s  ice cool Saturday morning  you got up took a shower, made breakfast, and got dressed in your usual hunters set without the scarf since your were just being lazy in your dorm not wanting to do anything considering the "event full" mission yesterday. You grabbed a book from the book shelf while the doll did the same and you stared reading. After a while your stomach lets out a loud growl and being to lazy to cook today decided to get lunch in the cafeteria. Once you got your food you sat alone like always until you heard a voice from across the room.

???: "ow pleases stop!"

You'll look over a see a guy who you just feel the douche bag ness coming of of him.

Dbag#1:"see I told you they were real!"

Dbag#2:" what a freak!"

Hearing this you growled and headed over to them. You grabbed the one grabbeinh her ears wrist and broke it and charged a punch. That impact sent him flying back into his team, though they got up you decided to knock them back down. You pull out the boom hammer and transform it and do a charged heavy and knocking back further while singing there eye brows.

You:"I'm gonna say this once and only once."you say getting more pissed as you go"If I ever hear that your messing with her or any other person I will personally feed you to the grim, am I understood!"

Dbag#1: " Y-yes!"He screamed in fear as he and his team ran

After dealing with them you decided to go help the faunas up. While doing you let some of you're chivalry side out.

You:" hello miss are you ok"? You said helping her up

???: "yes thanks for the help... actually I never caught your name"

You:"oh my is Y/N L/N" you said as you bowed 

Velvet:"my name is velvet scarlentina"

You:"that's a pretty name" you said actually thinking that is was 

Velvet:"T-thanks" she said as she blushed 

You were about to leave when you heard another voice 

??:"Hey! What are you doing to her!"

You turned around to see a tall Asian male  with a great sword

You: "just helping her up" you said getting ready to summon a weapon just in case 

??: " Like hell you were, you were bullying her weren't you!"

You:"velvet help me out here" you said getting worried 

Velvet:"Yatsu calm down he wasn't "

Yatsu:"are you sure becau-" 

Velvet:"yes I'm sure he actually defended me"

Before he could at anything you saw a girl wearing a brown Barrett  and sunglasses walk over 

?:"hey everything voll here right?"

Velvet:" yea it's fine there was just a misunderstanding when Y/N defended me from some bullies"

She then turn to you 

?:"well thanks for that anyways I'm coco" she said extending her hand 

You took it while introducing your self

Coco:"anyways if you ever need help with fashion just come talk to me"

You nodddd your head and went back to your dorm you were just relaxing with the doll until you heard a knock ok the door. You open the door and see Weiss standing there looking flustered 

Male!Bloodborne Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now