Gon fishing

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Y/N pov

Y/N:'Soooo these are the docks'

You thought to youself as you explored vale without having to deal with anything annoying. You came to the socks specifically because they reminded you of a village you used to visit. It was nice there until they stared catching those slug things. When they did everyone got all cultish, things the church came so it was no wonder it ended up in the nightmare. While you were caught up in thought you saw a familiar face. Blake was staring hungrily at fisher man pulling in their nets.

You:"ummm Blake are you ok?"

Blake:"AH!" She baked as she jumped back

You:"oh sorry did I scare you?"

Blake:"yes! Why are you even here!?"

You:"oh I wanted to explore vale without having to kill anyone, also why are you so mad?"

Blake:*sigh*" I-I'm not it's just .... just, why do you have to leave"

You:"Blake you know the answer to that question"  you say bluntly not wanting to go through this process again

Blake:"Actually I know part of it your hiding something else, why can't you tell me?"

You:"How much insight do you have?" You said

Blake:"Um ...what?"

You:'if she has at least one I can tell her'
Than it happened again you felt a presence than heard a voice this time more of a light female voice
??:"Not a lot obviously...I mean look at her she's a cat"

You looked around and saw no one plus she was wearing her bow

You:"Blake did you hear that?"

Blake:"hear what?"

You:'well that answers my question'

You:"well any way , why are you here?"

Blake:"well I like fish but.. I have no money sooo I just come and admire them"

You:"if you like fish so much why don't you just go fishing yourself?"

Blake:"it's not that easy!"

You:"yes it is it's all in the wrist"

Blake:"what, no. I mean we would have to get a boat"

You:"can't you just rent one?"

Blake:"yeah but it's expensive."

You:"how much?"

Blake:"well at least 5,000 lien"
You simply responded with throwing that amount plus tax in her face

Blake:"What!? How!?"

You:" I've been doing some serious looting."

You:'was it wrong to go back to every white fang base I hit and loot the corpses.....Nah'

Blake:"ok I'll ignore that , but can you come along please"


Blake:"everyone else got to spend time with you! T he only time me and you spent time together is when you were in a roof. DEPRESSED"
At this pint Blake was starting to cause a scene
You:"ok, ok just please stop yelling!"

Blake:"yay!" She said like a little girl than skipped away holding your hand dragging you along

Time skip

Boat Keeper:"that'll be 5,236 lien"
You paid I'm exact change and went to find your boat it was a paddle boat with fishing rods ,line, hooks, and bait already in it. You and Blake got in and started paddling
You:"this should be far enough" you said after paddling for 5 straight minutes

Blake:"ok!" She said unusually happy while fixing her hook with bait and casting in

While Blake was doing that you took off your coat and vest and hat and place them neatly on the bench only leaving your scarf on while letting your h/l hair flow in the wind. Then you  summoned your gun lace, some throwing knifes and got the rope the boat keeper gave you and tied them to the  handles.
Blake:"what are you doing?"
You:"where I come from this is how we fish"

Blake:"does that even work"
On that second you saw a medium sized tuna swam  by  you quickly grabbed a knife and threw it at the fish, you then stared pulling it back by the rope and when you hit it back the Tina was pierced with the knife going between both eyes.
Blake:"ok then I'll leave you alone."
She said  as she sat down defeated
As time went on you caught fish and so did Blake. But you never caught anything big or interesting just  tuna. Until  lake got a bite but the fish stared dragging the boat away.
Blake:"shit it's too big!"
You:"quick wheres gamble shroud?!"
Blake :"at my feet!"

You pick up gamble shroud and held the ribbon part when you heard the sound of wood being pierced you stared pulling. You kept pull until you saw the dock. Once you were close you tied the ribbon to the boat. You saw Blake was still struggling o you grabbed your gun lance and leaped towards the fish.
Time skip
Blake: "welp that was fun" she said as you and her dragged a wagon full of tune and on top a 5 foot long one.
You:" I didn't know tuna grew this big"
Blake:"oh well it doesn't matter just more for me!"
You:"ha yeah I guess" you said happy but tired

1 day left
Alright I'm back!!!! Hope y'all enjoyed this!

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