Chapter 2

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Josh sat quietly inside the school library. He gazed through the window, eyes wide open. His earbuds firmly stuck inside his ears. His dirty boots, rested atop the back of a chair.
Speed walking across the library came megan. Her high heels created a clicking sound as she walked. The librarian shushed her as she walked by. She dropped her computer and binder on the table josh sat at and let her bag fall to the floor. It hit the ground sexually.
She stared at josh intentionally and started bitching about something. He pretended not to notice her, and kept listening to his music. "It's all a lie" "he's out there" "I need that dick". He only heard small pieces of what she said.

She had bitched for probably about 3 hours now and he had hardly heard any of it. He finally made the decision to remove his headphones as he was getting a headache from the music which he had turned up to maximum volume as to tune out Megan. He took a sip of his coffee as he did so. "And that's why we have to go to Argentina" He heard her say. Josh spit out a mouth full of coffee. "We have to what?" He said confused. "Were you listening to any of what I just said?" She asked. "Ya I just missed the last phew sentences. Could you repeat hem please?" "We need to go to Argentina to find hitler so I can suck his-" josh stopped listening. 'Find hitler?' He thought. 'If I found hitler I could put his dick in a museum and make people pay money to see it.' It was a genius idea. "I've been studding maps of Argentina for the past 17 hours and I think I know where he is." "And where would that be?" Josh said. "Salta province. It's in the north west on the border with Bolivia." She said quickly. "Sounds legit. Let's go!" Josh said. "Wait what? Really?" Megan said in shier astonishment. "Ya why not?" Josh shrugged. "We can't just go the two of us. We need a crew." She exclaimed. "I know just who to ask" josh said while rubbing his chin.

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