Chapter 4

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Sooooo chapter 4 here you go^^...
Hope u like it
Btw I forgot to say that the whole story will be in Hoseok focus...
Only when I write in the beginning that it will be in Yoongis focus you can read his thoughts...

Hoseok was watching a movie when he suddenly heard the front door open...

Shit! I'm still in my PJ's!!!

He thought while sprinting in his room to get rid of his baggy T-shirt and sweatpants.
He walked down the stairs only to see Yoongi and a pretty girl standing in the living room, looking a little bit nervous.
The girl had long black hair and a pretty and symetrical face. But in Hoseok's oppinion she wore too much makeup... She was petite and looked very feminine in general. Her clothes were overly cute and practically screamed "Oppa notice me I'm cute!!!"

"Oh Yoongi hyung your back!" Hoseok said more or less loudly to break the akward silence.
Yoongis head shot up and he saw Hoseok.
"Hey Hobi! So this is Soojung! I met her at a cafe after work and we excanged numbers...and now we're here...He he..." he scratched his neck again which has always been a habit of him. "And Soojung this is Hoseok my roommate and best friend!" He then finished.

Hoseok internally groaned when he heard the words best friend...
But he still forced a smile on his face and shook Soojungs hand.

Yoongi noticed that the smile Hoseok gave wasn't his usual sunshine smile and he wondered if the younger was upset or bothered by something...

The three then talked about random things until Yoongi had to use the bathroom. Hoseok glanced at Soojung and was met with an annoyed expression in the girls face...

"You! Hoeseok right? (A/N: the typo is meant to be there 😅)Don't you dare take Yoongi away from me! He's mine and don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I see how you look at him! He may be too dense to realize that but I'm not!" The girl hissed and gave Hoseok a bitchy look.
"And he's not even gay so you don't have one single chance!" She then spit out and fixed her hair.

Hoseok was shocked about what just happened. He thought Soojung was nice but now he realized that she was possesive and ready to fight him...

Yoongi came back into the living room and Soojung smiled sweetlyat him.

"Hobi what's the matter you look like you just saw a demon!" The older laughed and layed his arm around Soojungs shoulders.

Hoseok gulped and nodded.

"I'm going upstairs because I don't really feel well..."

He excused himself and went into his room. He layed onto his bed and let his thoughts take over...

This Soojung girl is scaring me... I hope she doesn't hurt Yoongi hyung...but if she does I will wait for him, and he hopefully realizes that I like him...

Hoseok slowly but surely drifted into sleep and doesn't notice that his hyung and Soojung were downstairs laughing and getting closer every second...

So I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading this story! :')

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