Chapter 27

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When the rest of the group of friends had arrived, they all hugged Hoseok wanting to know what had happened to the red haired boy. He explained and everone was fuming with anger.

But a few minutes later Jungkook texted he'll arrive soon with his girlfriend...

"DING DONG" The doorbell rang and Hoseoks opened the door. He hugged the youngest of his friends and looked friendly but curiously at the girl standing shily next to the coconut-head.

"And who might you be?" The red haired male asked warmly letting the two inside.

"O-oh hello sir. I am Choi Hosook and I'm Jungkooks girlfriend." She stuttered nervously.

The girl had long, straight dark-brown hair and a pretty face. She wore soft makeup, making her seem natural and sweet. Hosook also wore chlothes wich weren't as slutty as most of the girls chlothes today. All in all she appeared to be charming and kind.


But Hoseok felt like the girls face was familiar. It seemed like he had seen Hosook before but he couldn't recall from where.

"Oh gosh please call me Hoseok...and our names sound very alike that's funny!" Hoseok answered chuckling.

They reached the living room and everyone stopped talking. Hoseok noticed Hosook squirming in uncomfort at the sudden attention and he decided to help the poor girl.

He clapped his hands and started talking.

"Guys! This is Choi Hosook and she is Kookies girlfriend. Please be nice to her." The redhead pleaded and looked sternly at his friends. He then turned to Hosook. "So that pink haired guy is Namjoon. His boyfriend is Seokjin who is the boy in his arms. Aren't they just too cute~... anyways...the platinum blonde is Jimin and he is together with Taehyung. The adorable pup over there is Yeontan and he is the cutest dog alive. And the blonde over there is Yoongi. My bo-..." Hoseok stopped his introduction, he had forgotten that they wanted to share their secret to the group of friends today. So no-one knew about it yet.

"Hello sweetie! I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin or eomma...everyone does!" Jin aproached the shy-looking girl and engulfed her into a friendly hug. "And...don't be nervous honey. You now are part of our group and we'll make sure to welcome you appropriately!" He reassured and pulled her to one of the couches.

Junkook and Hoseok followed. The brown haired male wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and everyone cooed at the young couple.

"Aah young love~" Jimin sighed touched and wiped a fake tear from his eye.

Hoseok shot a quick glance at his boyfriend and realized the older was staring at him. He blushed and let out a giggle. Yoongis face softened and he moved from his seat to the one next to his baby. He also wrapped his arms around Hoseoks waist and suddenly whispered into the youngers eat.

"Hmm baby should we tell them? What do you think?"

These sentences send shivers down Hoseoks spine and he nodded weakly.

Yoongi focus:

As soon as Hoseok, Jungkook and his girlfriend entered the room, the girl reminds his of someone.

Aaish!! I know her face from somewhere...she reminds me of someone.

The blonde wondered and he tried to remember where he had seen that face before.

His boyfriend introduced the girl to everyone and they sat on the couch. When Jungkook wrapped his arms around Hosook, Yoongi began staring at Hoseok until he glanced back and started blushing.

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