Chapter 21

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What they saw when they lookend inside, was a right they'd never forget...

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!" Yoongi roared and looked around his apartment in nothing but disbelief.

The drawers in the kitchen were open and all the plates, pans, utensils and glasses were scattered all over the floor. There were shards of porcelain and glas everywhere...
But that wasn't the worst thing.

The pillows of the couch were ripped open and there were feathers and pieces of stuffing all over the apartment. On the carpet were letters sprayed on which spelled out:

I  H A T E  Y O U

They were red and the paint was still wet. The two boys looked around their dorm, terrified of the damage.

"I swear to God that was fucking Lee Soojung!" (A/N: this name is randomly chosen so if I insult someone with it, I'm truly sorry!) Yoongi pressed out behind gritted teeth. He was at the maximum of angry. His blood boiled and he wanted to slap the living shit out of his insane ex-girlfriend. "Why can't she just leave us alone!" The furious blonde growled and punched his palm with his clenched fist.

Hoseok just stood there, paralyzed, obviously in a state of shock.
His lips started quivering and he felt his eyes watering.

It's my fault...she hates me, not Yoongi. I'm the reason why he is angry now. I shouldn't have disturbed their relationship.

These and other negative thoughts came rushing to the youngers mind and he didn't realize that he was crying until Yoongis eyes landed on the teary boy, and he immediately rushed towards him, cupping the red haired boy's face.

"Oh Hobi why are you crying?!" He asked and wiped the tears off of the others cheeks.

"I-it's my fault she hates you now... I'm the one to blame... I'm sorry for being a burden!" He blurted out, sobbing quietly.

Yoongi froze and stopped his movements. "Wait! Why would it be your fault?! She's the one who cheated on me, she's the one who humiliated and violated you AND SHE'S THE ONE WHO FUCKING DESTROYED OUR APARTMEMT!!!" Yoongi listed off all the reasons why he hated Soojung. Hoseok laughed weakly at his enraged hyung.
He stood up and went into the kitchen to pick up the shards and clean the mess that the crazy girl caused.

"OUCH! Shit!" Hoseok hissed in pain when he cut himself at a broke  piece of porcelain.

"What happened?!" Yoongi asked concerned about the youngers scream.

"I-I cut myself..." the latter whimpered and stood up to go find some bandaids.

When he went into the bathroom he screamed as he saw the broken mirror on the wall.

"HYUNG COME UPSTAIRS!" He shouted, getting angry himself. What the girl did was trespassing and with that, a crime. His best friend came up the stairs and looked into the bathroom. When he noticed the broken mirror, he clenched his jaw and made an inhuman noise.

"That whore." He said, terrifyingly calm. Hoseok knew that when Yoongi was seriously angry he would be extremely calm and explode at a certain point if you don't stop him.

So he stood infront of the older and just engulfed the boy, who was shaking in anger, in a hug. Hoseok soon felt a pair of arms sneak around his skin waist and smiled a small smile.

"I know what she did was illegal and wrong but you have to calm down. That's just what she wants, she wants to see us bothered by her actions. So let's go down and clean that mess and then go to sleep. I'm tired." He convinced Yoongi and they went downstairs to pick up the broken things. Yoongi insisted in throwing away the ruined carpet and Hoseok gave in. After they successfully cleaned the flat, they changed into sleep chlothes and washed up. But neither of them could sleep. The tiredness was gone as they realized that Soojung had still keys to the apartment.

That realization hit the two boys like a truck and in the end they decided to watch a movie. Hoseok chose a movie called "Warm Bodies" (A/N: I fucking love that movie^///^) and Yoongi made popcorn. They say down at the couch and Hoseok cuddled up to his best friends side. The movie started and Yoongi scoffed at the "unrealistic effects and storyline". The red haired boy though, absolutely loved the plot and the idea of the movie. The message touched his heart. For him, the movie represents that love can heal anything if you believe strong enough in your loved ones and yourself.

After the movie had finished, Yoongi somehow managed to convince the younger that he could choose a movie now. The blonde smirked sly and told Hoseok to close his eyes. The latter obeyed and so he couldn't see what the older chose. He only opened his eyes when he felt Yoongi sit back and wrap his arms around the red haired males torso.

I hope it's not one of these extremely boring action films...

He thought and sighed. But in the end it was something completely different...

"AAAAAAH" Hoseok screamed and hid his face in the olders chest as he witnessed a person getting tortured by a simple game...

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CHOOSE 'Truth or Dare'?! YOU KNOW I HATE HORROR MOVIES!" He whined as he hit Yoongis chest.

"Oh c'mon. I'm here to protect you!" Yoongi cooed and laughed at the flustered expression forming on the youngers face.

"Fuck you..." he mumbled but still continued watching the movie with his hyung. Whenever he got scared, he screamed and seized the others arm convulsively.

At the middle of the movie, he practically say on Yoongis lap, due to his intense shifting and jumping in fear. The older would lie if he said he didn't enjoy having Hoseok so close, hearing his cute little screetches and feeling the rapid beating of the others heart. His own heart was beating too, really fast... but with other reasons than getting scared.

After they finished their second movie, Yoongi almost fell asleep while standing and Hoseok was also having struggles in keeping his eyes open. So the two best friends decided to just sleep on the couch, cuddling and feeling fuzzy inside.

"Mmh g'nite Yoonie..." Hoseok mumbled and took the olders arms, wrapping them even tighter around his waist.

"Sleep well Seokie..." Yoongi whispered back, kissing the back of the youngers head.

So they, once again, fell asleep on the couch, cuddling like two coalas. And they both loved the feeling of being so close to the very most important person in their entire lives...


Shit... listen I'm sorry for not updating the last days but I was extremely busy hehe...

And please don't be silent readers...I absolutely love your comments and they make my day! So please comment :))

See you next chapter!!! ^^

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