Chapter 11

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He continued moving his hands. "o-Oh! H-hoseok!" He moaned as ge suddenly heard a gasp from the door of his room.

His head shot up rapidly and he saw his best friend standing there with wide eyes and a shocked expression.
"H-hobi! Don't think false now please!" He pleaded but the red haired boy just shrugged and laughed. "It's normal hyung! Everybody has to release that sometimes." He giggled and went out of the room telling Yoongi he should 'continue'.

He heard Yoongi sigh loudly and after a few seconds he heard muffled moans coming from the elders room.

He gasped quietly again and rushed into his own room to 'fix his own problem'. He didn't know if he just had imagined Yoongi moaning his name when he went into his room or if he really did that... but Hoseok knew that he most possibly imagined that.

He sat on his bed and looked at his crotch as if to say 'why are you doing this to me?'. He lightly brushed his hand over the fabric of his sweatpants and hummed at the satisfaction caused by touching the tent in his pants. He slipped his fingers under the waistband of the sweatpants and boxers. Hoseok slightly began palming himself as he moaned softly.
"A-ah hyung!" He groaned and started to get faster. The red haired boy just couldn't stop thinking about the heavenly sounds that came out of Yoongis mouth when Hoseok caught him jerking off. The boy grinded into his hand-movements. He soon felt the familiar tugging in his lower area, meaning he was close to his climax. "Hmmm-aah!" He moaned as he calmed down from his orgasm. "O-oh fuck." Hoseok muttered slightly panting.

Yoongi hyung...what are you doing to me...?

He thought and shakily let out a breath. The red haired boy stood up and went- no... more like wobbled into the bathroom. He washed his hands and put his pyjamas on and went to bed still with a shaking breath and jelly-like legs.

Yoongi focus:

Yoongi had continued getting himself off and just couldn't stop thinking about the youngers head on his crotch.

Why am I thinking about Hoseok in this way?! I shouldn't think such things...

He thought with slight guilt. Yoongi opened his laptop with his free hand and searched for some porn to distract him from his dirty thoughts of his best friend. But he didn't enjoy it as much as usual.

After the blonde had finished, he washed his hands and looked at the clock on his night stand.

01:38 am

Oh shit it's late... I should go to bed

He thought and quickly changed into his pyjamas. Once he had turned off the lights and slipped under the covers of his bed, he let his thoughts wander...

I really shouldn't have jerked off to Hobi... Aargh I don't even like him in that way! But it felt good... NO! NO YOONGI HE'S YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! DON'T THINK SUCH THINGS!

Yoongi drifted slowly into sleep as his thoughts were still occupied with a certain red haired boy...

Back in Hoseoks focus^^

Hoseok woke up to the alarm of his phone. He sat up and rubbed his face, causing his eyes to puff up in a cute way. The red haired boy then suddenly remembered what happened the day before and his body froze, his face flushed a deep red.

I-I caught Yoongi jerking off...
SHIT, I don't think I can look at him the same now... i know it's normal to masturbate but FUCK!!! AND I EVEN DID IT TOO-

Hoseok screetched in embarrassment and hid his face in his bed sheets...

After he had showered he went downstairs and made himself some breakfast. Hoseok scrolled through his instagram feed when he heard a cough coming from the entrance of the kitchen. He looked up and see his hyung standing there.

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