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I lay my head to the thousand thoughts,I am banging my head against the wall

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I lay my head to the thousand thoughts,
I am banging my head against the wall.
You put your hand around my waist,
I don't feel secure.
I see the smirk across your face,
Was it just a scowl?
I took some steps to get to you,
You took back to step on my heart.
Its thumping beat,Why isn't it alive?
You walk ahead for a prey to preach,
I walk beside like a weak queen.
You are supposed to love me,
Not anyone,
just me.
The way you held my hand today,
I don't think I know you anymore.
Why is it my destiny to reach to you?Maybe it's just a spell form you.
I made a wrong choice,
I don't see regret in your eyes.
You make me stand in a position to think,
Do I really know you?
My panting heart just laid by a promise,
I remember the night you told me so,
'Just love me and don't give up on me'.
Your promises lay your boundaries,
I don't think I can reach your hand anymore.


Yet another for the day.

Hope you like this one as well. Do vote if you feel it and share with others if somehow it connects to you.

This chapter is dedicated tomrsdracofelton. Thank you for being a great friend!!

#155 in poetry that's huge guys. Thank you so much!!

Have a lovely day!


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