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The beating of this broken thing,
Calls for your hand.
I regret every word I said,
I promise it was nothing actually meant.
But I saw you with him tonight,
Knowing I didn't have any right,
It still did hurt inside,
Because it just don't feel right.

Your warnings rings in my head,
You told me you would find someone if I am late,
Seems like I am already to apart to return.
Still all my guilt's want me to commit,
To say how much I want to apologize,
To let your hand drop,
To let you trust die,
For not giving us a second chance.
I pray every day in, hope you will return,
That you wish to find yours home back at me.

This is not the future we planned,
To rescue each other again and again,
Until its late two at night.
The eyes that once needed me in the crowd,
Won't even gather the courage to look at me.
I am walking away once more,
This time I know the reason why?
My world has ended,
I know you deserve him to keep you happy.

Let him know you,
Laugh with him,
Spend time and forget these memories,
The one that hurts you,
I am stupid to say this again,
Forget every bad memory,
But just remember us for good.



With this last poem, I announce the end of this book for real. It was an incredible journey with 74 poems for everyone to connect to.

Thank you each and every person, who even glanced through this once. You guys give me confidence and power to write everyday. I will continue writing and maybe publishing after some time.
kaseymarilyn candy_stixx fallingfordylan_x nikelline Amaziahyvette iStoleUrTacos Laibatistic LVOutbreak GenericGemini KayyWash HisMinniiee KaylaMariaM iqra_ldn Shivani_Sam14 purple_poneyh silverwolf_0721 insxmniac_reader AverySummers belkisaris ruthiewashere_ gaspingqueen emperorchippz12 dawnSdusk77 Xx4sadiej6xX MayGarner The_kiddler Kiara_caviglia Nuella_17 _itz_shifana sturmfreispirit ChinaAurore -silentpromises archana_mishra X_Arcy_X

(I randomly selected people from the comment section, those who are missing, I apologize. You know who you are and I am thankful to you all.)

The whisper of these sweet words,
Thank you all for reading 'Whisper Melodies'.

Hope everyone found something worth time investing.

Love to all. Xoxo

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