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A simple task you wanted me to do,I failed to do it again,I saw you again

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A simple task you wanted me to do,
I failed to do it again,
I saw you again.
I felt your eyes on me,
It hurts me knowing the only thing which I call home is filled with disgust.
I stood there in the crowd,
Waiting for you to move.
You vanished my presence,
Was I so bad to wait for?
I told you I love you,
Hearing you say you hate me made my ears bleed.
The mask you wear is invisible,
The one I wear carries my thousand lies.
A thought to my life,
That just moves around your block.
A miracle to me was,
You ignored me everyday.
The weather is cold,
And so are you.
You are moving,
But why I am not?
I thought it was good to think,
I thought it was good to feel,
I thought it was good to love,
I failed you again,
I thought of you again
I fell for you again,
I found the cold part of your heart again.

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