Chapter 3

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Y/N's P.O.V

I knew keeping it in much longer would make it worse. I have to get the truth out to Thomas now while he has asked me to tell him. The one thing that would make this worse would be if he saw me differently to when I didn't have the nightmares. So, I brace myself for the emotional journey I was about to put myself through. I took a deep breath and began explaining.

"It all started last week...we got the new Greenie and we had the celebration and everything was going just fine. But I didn't feel like myself so that's when I excused myself to go to bed so early....boy was that a mistake...I laid down in my hammock and drifted off. That's when my Nightmares began. They repeated every night. And every night I would wake up in hot sweats and breathing heavily in panic. All of you were still asleep...I...I didn't want to worry you. So I ran into the deadheads and spent hours there instead....and when the sun was up...I left the deadheads and headed out to get breakfast..." I explained and all I hoped was that he wouldn't ask...

"What was the nightmare Y/N?"

Great...just great.

" were there...and...something...something had happened to me....I...I...I don't know what but there was much blood falling down from my forehead. Yo-you told me it wouldn't happen again...each time I went to ask you...what...wh-what wouldn't happen again...that's when I would wake up...."

Thomas' P.O.V

After she had explained it, I could see the tears fall down her face. So to comfort her, I pulled her into an embrace. How could I tell her that I saw something similar before she came up a month after me. I saw her. I saw her bleeding. I saw someone hurting her. I saw what happened.It was only when she came up did it click and it all fit into place. Only then did we start acting like two siblings. I needed to tell her.

She cried and cried into my shoulder. I could feel tears welling in my eyes too. Seeing Y/N like this hurt me a lot. It hurt to see my sister any pain. After our embrace ended, I thought now was the best time to tell her what I knew.

"I'm...I'm so sorry. I should of noticed this sooner and tried to help. It's my fault Y/N..."

"What are you talking about? You couldn't of known..." she tried to reassure me. But that wasn't going to work.

"I did know. I saw what you were describing....I saw it all. I just...I didn't see the part where I comforted you....but everything else matches with my old nightmares. Where the injury was, your face...I saw you...When you started acting up, I should of been able to tell and link it to mine...but I didn't and for that I'm sorry....."

She pulled me into another embrace and then looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you for telling me....I don't want you to blame yourself anymore. Promise?" I smiled slightly..."Promise..." I replied. "Now let's get going again. We can run for a bit longer then head back to the glade." She simply nodded to me and we packed up and began running again.

^Time Skip^

Y/N's P.O.V

We were returning to the glade now after our heart to heart and run. I'm so glad I got the time to spend that time with Thomas. It really meant a lot to get it all out. The only person that I have to let know now is Newt and all I'm hoping is that he will accept to what has been going on and be able to handle it well.

Not much time went by before we reached the glade again. The second we returned, Thomas and I went to the map room and drew out our maps for the day. Thomas left before me and left me to finish up.

Newt's P.O.V

I saw Y/N and Thomas return with about twenty minutes to spare. They made it with amazing time to spare, but not too much. Obviously I lost sight of them as they ran to the map room. So I would just have to wait until he came out and thankfully Thomas came out first and the second he left I pulled him to the side to ask him about Y/N.

"So...? How was she? Did she say anything" I could sense the concern raising in my own voice. I cared for her a lot and seeing her act so distant crushed me.

"She...she...she told me what was wrong and I think it's best you let her talk to you about it herself. If I tell you then you confront her, she will be mad at both of us. Let her tell you in her own time..." I give a slight nod in response and Thomas leaves me be and I head off for dinner and sit with Minho and eventually Thomas joined us and soon did Y/N . For the first time in a week she had been smiling and by he looks of it, it was genuine. She joined us with almost a spring in her step. "What's up guys?" We all looked at her in stunned silence as it was the first time we had heard her talk all week. "What are you shanks staring at?" She laughed slightly. "Nothing. It's just good to hear you sound so happy again..." I smiled back at her. "It was just a phase I guess. But if you want I can talk to you about it all later...In private..." I gave a slight nod and we ate dinner like before her odd "phase".

We washed up and we had a little time to ourselves. Soon I felt a tap on my shoulder as I sat star gazing. I turned to see Y/N. "Are you ready to talk about it love?" I asked her. I always called her love. I don't know why but she has never questioned it so neither will I. She smiled slightly and nodded.

The two of us headed into the deadheads so we could have some privacy. Now I can find out what is really wrong...I can help her. I can be there for her more. If I would of confessed that I loved her when I found out that I did, this conversation would of come a lot sooner...



So that's it for today and I hope you all enjoyed. I'm sorry for the late upload, I was super busy today. And I also apologise for not using your P.O.V more. I just felt like it would be more appropriate to use different P.O.Vs for this chapter. I will be uploading again to tomorrow so I hope you choose to continue. Byeeeeeee

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