1: new teachers and pregnancies

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"Wake up, gummy gummy!" Jimin yelled, bursting into my room with a bright smile on his face.

I groaned internally at the sound of the annoying nickname from grade school.

Kids could be such jerks. Make one mistake, and you'd hear about it for the rest of your life.

Long story short, I'd gotten three gummy bears stuck up my nose in the second grade, a result from a stupid dare, and had to get them surgically removed.

I lazily opened one eye, my vision blurry from sleep.

There stood my beaming best friend, dressed to a T in his school uniform.

I snorted at his sudden appearance, trying my hardest not to go off on him for waking me.

"What are you doing in your school uniform? School doesn't start till next Thursday." I mumbled into my pillow grumpily, turning on my side to go back to sleep.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, looking at me in disbelief.

"Are you kidding?" He asked, an unamused expression painted on his handsome face. Frustrated, I threw my covers off my face, sitting up violently.

Jimin flinched back, a look of pure terror floating in his hooded eyes.

I took a deep breath, struggling to regain my composure before I said something you didn't mean.

"Jimin. Go home. And don't talk about school until next Thursday." I said, pausing in between words to ensure his understanding.

He furrowed his eyebrows, pouting at me.

"What is it?" I groaned, throwing myself back onto your bed.

Jimin carefully approached me, still wary of my morning grumpiness.

He stepped over my pile of dirty clothes, and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I hate to break it to you, sweetheart. But school starts today." He murmured, leaning close to my ear.

His mistake.

I shot up almost immediately, hitting his face in the process. He jumped back, howling in pain as he held his nose.

Ignoring him, I scrambled to grab my phone, turning it on to see, that indeed, today was the 23rd. My last, first day as a senior at Gangnam High School.

Jimin was now bleeding profusely out of his right nostril. I hurriedly pushed him into my bathroom, as I sprinted across my room to grab my neatly ironed school uniform.

Stripping off my pajamas, I grabbed a random bra I had laying around, and changed into my uniform.

A deafening rip sounded from my blouse, but in my hurry, I ignored it.

Unfortunately, I didn't have parents to wake me up for school in the mornings, or make me breakfast before school. I had everything a girl could possibly want, but I had no family.

Jimin was the closest thing I had to real family. All my other relatives just sent me "pity checks" every month, filling my wallet with sympathy cash.

Jimin emerged from my bathroom, holding a bright red tissue tightly to his nose. I pushed past him, before grabbing my toothbrush and makeup bag from the marbled counter.

"Okay, let's go." I mumbled, slinging on my book bag.


Jimin drove me to school with him everyday.

But today, unlike the rest, he was mumbling a steady string of curse words.

I didn't know he had such a colorful, extensive vocabulary. Nevertheless, I felt bad.

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