10: kicked out

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"Jungkook, come on. I said I was sorry." I repeated, but Jungkook remained still, sitting on the other end of the couch with his arms crossed as he continued to sulk.

He seriously reminded me of an overgrown child.

"I ran into a couple people I knew, and then it started pouring outside, and I- just got sidetracked." I finished, feeling slightly guilty as Jungkook continued to pout.

I was still shook up by what happened at the grocery store.

The way Mr. Kim's hot hands squeezed my hip, and the protective stance he had over me.

My face began to burn just thinking back to it.

"I'll make it up to you. Let's go out for dinner tonight." I offered, smiling at the way Jungkook's posture straightened.

"What kind?" He asked cautiously, still looking in the other direction.

"Anything you want." I offered, watching as his body slowly rotated towards me.

He was still frowning, but clearly fighting back a happy smile.

"We can stop by the store on the way home and pick up some milk too." I added, watching as his eyes lightened with excitement.

"I'm gonna run something over to a neighbor, and then we can go out and do something fun until we get hungry." I promised, before standing up and grabbing Mr. Kim's umbrella.


My palms felt sweaty as I slowly walked to Mr. Kim's apartment.

I was unsure on what I would say, far too nervous to even think about it.

I stumbled over my own two feet as I tried to lengthen the journey to Mr. Kim's front door.

But before I knew it, I was standing in front of his apartment.

After taking a deep breath, and fixing my hair, I rang the doorbell.

I held my breath, suddenly hoping and praying he wasn't home.

It was silent, until something clicked, and the door swung open.

He had a towel slung over his shoulder, his hair still damp from running through the rain.

"Ms. Lee, how can I help you?" He asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

He was shirtless, his body slick with rain water.

Rain droplets adorned his tanned chest like jewelry, and I tore my eyes away from the sight.

"Ms. Lee?" He repeated, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What was the question again?" I asked, embarrassed.

"How can I help you?" He repeated, looking at me with sudden interest.

Move the towel.

As his eyes scanned over my body, they filled with something unfamiliar.

I cleared my throat, bringing his eyes back to my own.

"I brought your umbrella back." I stated, as I held out the red umbrella, my hand slightly shaking with nervousness.

"That was quick." He whistled, before leaning forward and gripping the umbrella with his tanned hand.

Arm veins protruded through his tan skin, making my mouth water.

His fingers slightly brushed against my palm, sending tingles up my arm and down my spine.

I needed to get laid.

"Well, that was all. I-I'll see you Monday!" I stumbled over my words awkwardly, before whipping around and speed walking back home.

"Wait!" Mr. Kim's voice called out, stopping me right in front of my own apartment.

"Come inside."


It would've been easier to say no, but his offer was tempting.

Which was why I was following him into the living room, admiring the cleanliness of his home.

Jin's words still were stuck in the back of my mind, and every bone in my body was telling me to stay away, but my limbs were hypnotized, as I sat down on his couch.

"I wanted to apologize." He started, entering the room as he as pulling on a sweater, drying his hair with a towel.

He cleared the couch of a few blankets, making room for himself.

"For what?" I squeaked, noticing the small distance in between the two of us.

"For earlier. Uh, for, invading your personal boundaries." He said.

"That's okay." I said, disappointment filling my heart as I stood up from the couch.

"Thanks for the umbrella." I muttered, before turning around to leave.

But his hand caught my wrist, once again, sending fiery tingles up my arm.

"I know I said this earlier. But you gotta stick up for yourself." He said.

I pulled my arm out of his grip reluctantly, before turning around and crossing my arms over my chest.

He pulled his arm back sheepishly.

My heart pounded uncontrollably as my eyes met his glistening ones.

"Thank you for your concern. But I'm doing fine." I said bitterly.

"Is that what you really think?" He asked, a cold tone to his voice as he stood up, towering over me.

"You let girls like Jehee kick you around like that, you let Jimin control your life-" He stopped abruptly, aware that he'd said too much.

But I'd already heard, and with narrow eyes, I stepped closer to him.

I could see the nervous look in his eyes, and he quickly diverted them, avoiding my gaze.

The taller male now seemed to cower under my stare.

"When did Jimin ever control my life?" I asked suspiciously.

He was far too nervous about what he'd said to not have meant it.

"Just from observation." He quickly said, and I took another step closer, a few inches away from him.

"What observations?" I pressed, and he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and then back down.

"From, uh, class." He said, an unsure tone to his voice.

"Are you sure? You don't sound it. What did Jimin say to you?" I asked, taking one last step towards my teacher.

I was now close enough to notice every detail of the handsome man's face, from the mole on his nose to the one on his lip.

Momentarily distracted by his beauty, I quickly composed yourself, clearing my throat as I continued my interrogation.

"Nothing. He didn't say anything." He finalized.

I clicked my tongue, aware that the man in front of me was lying his face off.

"Fine." I said, before moving towards the door once again.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Kim." I said, before opening the door and leaving.

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