2: wardrobe malfunction

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After Mr. Kim's introduction, I sat silently beside Jimin, sipping on my hot coffee.

Mr. Kim was in the middle of his science lecture on energy conservation, pausing mid-sentence when he noticed Missy, "dropping" her pencil halfway across the room.

"Dropping" was an understatement. She had chucked the damn thing as close to Mr. Kim as she could get it.

Missy was that one girl in school who no one liked, but everyone knew. Her body contained more plastic than a water bottle factory.

"Whoops." She said, and smirked, standing from her seat.

Jimin leaned into me, before whispering in my ear. "I'll bet you right now, she's gonna flash Mr. Kim her nonexistent butt." He whispered, as I took another sip of coffee.

I snorted into my coffee, sending the steaming coffee onto my desk and uniform.

I hissed in pain as the hot liquid came into contact with my exposed legs.

This grabbed the attention of Mr. Kim, who's attention had been deprived of a disappointed Missy.

She sauntered back to her seat, clearly frustrated at the absence of attention.

Despite the stares of my classmates, and attractive teacher, I cursed loudly as I wiped coffee off my clothes.

"Motherfucker." I mumbled, dabbing the napkin against my white blazer.

Jimin took off his blazer, wrapping it around my shoulders to cover the stains.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, lightly touching his fingers to a reddening burn on the base of my neck.

I nodded, softly pressing my fingers to the burns, wincing at the burning sensation.

Mr. Kim cleared his throat loudly, and Jimin's fingers jumped back to his side.

"Ms. Lee, are you alright?" He asked, concern webbed through his features, expressed by a set of deeply furrowed eyebrows. I looked up from wiping the coffee from my clothes.

He looked back at me with patient eyes, seeking an answer to his question.

"Yes, sir." I murmured, and turned my attention back to my uniform when he turned around and began to lecture again.

As soon as his back was turned, I let out an almost inaudible moan of pain.

The coffee had scalded the skin on my stomach and chest. Liquid dripped from my desk and onto my exposed thighs.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." Jimin whispered, taking his homework sheet to wipe coffee from my legs.

Idiot. He'd need one later.

Although it hurt like a bitch, I was still amused by his joke about Missy earlier.

"It's okay, Jimin. I'll be fine." I whispered, ignoring the burning pain.


Jimin pulled up to my apartment building, slowing to a stop at the entrance.

"Thanks, buddy." I said, grabbing my book bag from the backseat.

"Are you coming over later?" I asked, while unbuckling my seatbelt.

Jimin pursed his lips at me.

"When have I not come over after the first day of school?" He asked, giving me an icy stare.

I smiled at him, and placed a kiss on his soft cheeks before hopping out of his car.

"See you later, Jimin!" I called out, before running into the lobby.

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