The Overture

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Dès le premier jour, ton parfum enivra mon amour
Et dans ces instants
J'aimerais être comme toi par moments
Mais depuis ce jour
Je n'ai qu'un seul et unique regret...


The sun shined brightly on Novi Grad, a light breeze carrying the laughter of children and chatter of people at markets across the square. Three kids - a brunette boy and girl and a blonde girl - could be seen racing down the street, weaving around people as they went.

Finally they reached the end of the street, the boy about a foot ahead of the girls. He raised his arms triumphantly as the girls jog up to him, laughing.

"I did it!" he shouts. "I finally beat Vivian!"

"That's not fair! You only won because I had to apologize to that lady you almost knocked over!" the blonde - Vivian - responds, folding her arms.

"No, you lost because you're slow and sluggish from that ice cream we had earlier." the boy says. "Admit it; I finally beat you at something."

Vivian opened up her mouth to say that she had still beat him at the ice cream eating contest and two other games before that, but quickly decided against it. She didn't want to strike a nerve with her new friend.

"It's alright Vivian," the other girl starts, putting her hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Pietro's been known to cheat at races." she says, cutting a look at her twin brother. He smirks.

"What? She should've seen me coming."

The girl - Wanda - rolls her eyes while Vivian snickers.

"We should probably start heading back to our house. Mother and father might be worried about us." Wanda says, glancing around. She started to play with the hem of her dress nervously.

"We're fine, they let us go down the street all the time. Besides, they told us that we could play with our new friend here." Pietro waves her off, putting an arm around Vivian.

"Okay..." Wanda says hesitantly, still playing with her dress. Even though their parents did have that one rule when they were out playing, she still didn't want to push it with a stranger.

Vivian senses her hesitation and shrugs Pietro's arm off before walking over to Wanda, taking her hand in hers. "It's okay. I live a couple blocks from here anyway; if you're really worried, we can use my phone to call your house. But if you want, we can go back." She watches Wanda bite her lip as she thinks it over. Vivian had just met these kids an hour ago, but she already felt compelled to protect them, especially Wanda.

"Come on Wanda. I really don't want to go home yet." Pietro whines from behind Vivian. The corners of Wanda's lips turn up into a smile at her brother's brattiness.

"We can stay out." she decides. "But only for another hour."

"When did you become the boss?" Pietro pouts, though his eyes were smiling.

"I've always been in charge." Wanda says, grabbing Vivian before running off.

"Hey! I'm still 12 minutes older than you!" Pietro shouts after them before following.


One hour had turned to two, two hours to four, and eventually the twins' parents had come to get them, and the kids said farewell.

Now it had been a couple of days since the twins had seen their spunky blonde friend and she was all that Pietro would talk about, always wondering where she was and what she was doing.

After hearing Pietro complain for days, and secretly wondering where Vivian had gone herself, Wanda agreed to go look for her after dinner. The plan was to eat quickly before being excused to go play and then look for her. They got halfway through their food before their plans were ruined.

Because that's when the first shell hit.


Hey hi hello, welcome to Vices and Virtues. I wanted to give a little backstory to Vivian and Wanda's past relationship so that it doesn't seem like they have some mysterious past.

I'm not gonna go really deep into everything from the movies in here because we've all seen them. We know what happens to Wanda.

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