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~•✴⭐✴•~Trade Mistakes | Chapter 17~•✴⭐✴•~

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Trade Mistakes | Chapter 17

Wanda had just finished a debriefing on missing Hydra agent Brock Rumlow, and she was getting ready to go on another mission to find him. Steve had warned her about not being distracted, so as she packed, Wanda debated whether she should go see Vivian before she left. Even if they were taking a small break, she still wanted to let her know that she would be gone for a bit.

Wanda finished packing up the last of her suit - just in case - and sat on her bed, pulling out her small phone. Vivian had bought it for her to replace the old, broken one that she had. As she unlocked the phone, she saw that she had missed a call from Vivian. It was from early in the morning when she was asleep, and there was no voicemail message, just the missed call notification and the small contact photo of Vivian.

Her finger hovered over her contacts as she tried to decide if she was going to call Vivian back or not. She didn't realize just how long she was focused on her phone for until she was shocked back to reality as a figure came through her wall. In a flash Wanda was one her feet, the person trapped in a hex, unable to move. Once she realized that it was just Vision the hex faded away, Wanda taking a deep breath to calm down.

"You can't just phase through people's walls like that." Wanda says, her hand on her hip. "You scared me."

"My apologies. The Captain wishes to know if you are ready to leave." Vision says, his eyes scanning across the room.

"Yes, I just have to finish up in here and then I'm ready." Wanda says. She goes through her small suitcase to make sure she has everything, clearly distracted by something else.

"Is something troubling you, Ms. Maximoff?" Vision asks, standing closer to Wanda. Wanda stops in her tracks, laughing softly and shaking her head.

"You can call me Wanda." she responds, turning her attention towards the android standing next to her.

"That still does not answer my question." Vision says, a hint of sass laced in his concern. Wanda found that amusing, that a robot knew how to sass someone. Figures though, since he technically came from Ultron as well as Stark.

"Is it fair that I'm worried about Vivian?" Wanda asks after a moment.

"I don't understand." Vision responds after a brief pause. "If she's not in danger, why would you be worried?"

"That's an excellent question, Vizh." Wanda mumbled, sitting back down on her bed. Vision hesitantly sat next to her. "I'm the one about to go on a mission, but I'm worried about Vivian and how she'll hold up while I'm gone. Sometimes it feels like I am acting like her mother more than her girlfriend."

"That doesn't seem to be fair to you." Vision says. "The both of you used to care so deeply for each other, but now there is much conflict."

"What? No, that is not what I meant." Wanda says quickly, defending Vivian. The truth was, yes, things were a little weird and left on a bit of a rough patch, but they still loved each other. The honeymoon/"she-can-never-do-any-wrong" phase of the relationship was just over.

"We've just...how do you say...hit a rough patch." Wanda explains. She didn't know what was really wrong, but she felt like she had to protect Vivian regardless, especially after what Natasha told the team a while ago.

"Were you planning on calling her?" Vision asks, gesturing toward the phone sitting next to Wanda and himself. Wanda picks up the phone and looks down at it, her fingers brushing over the power button on the side.

Vision stands, heading toward the door. "I'll let you finish up here." he says, pausing by the doorway. "But if I were Vivian, I'd like to get a phonecall, no matter where we were in our relationship." With that, Vision left, closing the door behind him.

Wanda takes a moment before tidying up her suitcase and closing it, opting to leave her phone in her room. Vivian would be fine without her for a few days. And besides, Wanda needed to focus on her job; her personal life could wait.

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