⭐ V I V I A N ⭐

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~•✴⭐✴•~Ready to Go | Chapter 18~•✴⭐✴•~

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Ready to Go | Chapter 18

Vivian was going to get help. At least, that's what she's told herself everyday. Instead, she found herself at a bar, staring glumly at the bottle in her hand. She felt extremely self conscious while sitting there; her usual loud and flirtatious self was now quiet and reserved, and it was off putting to some of the people who recognized her.

Wanda had been gone for three days, and Vivian was no better than when she left. The one thing she was putting an effort into was not calling it off in fear. Too many times Vivian had ended a relationship prematurely because things got a little tough, but Vivian really loved Wanda and loved who she was with Wanda. For example, old Vivian would've been drinking heavily and feeling up some girl to make an excuse to break up with her girlfriend. New Vivian sat with no one but her beer and the bartender who kept throwing her concerned glances as she dried off glasses.

A small part of her wanted to do something self destructive and use it to run away from what she had built, but the better part of her was trying to keep her cool. She was debating just leaving the bar all together when a brunette woman sat beside her and ordered a drink.

Of course the Universe would do something like this, sit this goddess next to me, Vivian thinks to herself, taking a sip of her beer and trying to focus on the TV in front of her. It was an insanely boring tennis match, but it was something to distract her from that little voice in her head that wanted to do something stupid.

"Sorry if I'm invading your personal space," the woman next to Vivian begins, smiling softly at the girl beside her. "I just saw you by yourself over here and thought that you could use some company."

"No, you're fine." Vivian waves her off, returning the smile. "I'm just really focused on... Novak Joker-witch?" she says, terribly butchering the tennis player's name.

"You mean Novak Djokovic?" the woman says, laughing lightly. Vivian smirks, turning to face the woman.

"That's what I said, wasn't it?" Vivian jokes. The woman shakes her head, taking a sip of her drink.

"No, it's not. But I'm guessing that you're a fan of Raphael No-doll, too?" the woman quips, earning a laugh from Vivian.

"I guess you caught me." she says, putting her hands up like she was guilty. "I'm not really a tennis fan."

"Who would've guessed?" the woman says, holding her hand out to Vivian. "I'm Riley by the way."

"Vivian." she says, taking Riley's hand and shaking it. This woman is flirting with you, her brain was telling her as they both turned their attention to the TV. She really was about to leave, but she missed having company. So she sat there, her eyes glossing over as she started at the collection of pixels in front of her, a very pretty brunette stranger next to her.

"So, what are you doing here at one in the afternoon all by yourself?" Riley asked after a while, still focused on the TV screen. A whole list of lies and half truths ran through Vivian's mind before she finally decided on just telling the truth.

"I had a fight with my girlfriend a couple days ago. We're taking a break right now, and I'm just coping." she answers before swallowing the last of her beer, putting the bottle down a little too hard. She was still frustrated and upset with herself, but it wasn't as strong. Maybe she was getting a little better.

"That sounds rough." Riley says, nodding her head solemnly. "I'm just blowing off steam before a job interview." Vivian glances at Riley, a smile tugging on her lips as the woman started to laugh.

This was nice. Sure Vivian missed spending time with Wanda, but she had been devoting all of her time to Wanda. It was nice to spend time with someone else, just laughing and getting some space. She would probably feel guilty about enjoying not having Wanda around later, but for now she's shoving that to the side. This was her way of pulling herself together. But still, she did really miss her.

"I have a question, Riley." Vivian starts. When Riley turns her attention to her, she finishes her thought. "What would you do if you really fucked up with someone that you really need?"

Riley, taken aback, takes a moment to respond, letting out a long breath as she thinks. "I'd talk it out with her, let her know how much you love her and apologize." she answers. "If she really cares about you as much as you seem to care about her, everything should be fine." Vivian opens her mouth to say something before Riley's phone buzzes, the alarm cutting her off.

"Sorry, I don't mean to just drop some advice and dash but-"

"Your interview?" Vivian asks, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "This isn't a date, you can go. I'm just glad I had someone to talk to for a bit."

Riley laughs, leaving some money next to her glass before grabbing her phone and hopping off of her stool. "Bye Vivian." she says before heading toward the door. Vivian gives her a small wave before turning back toward the TV. Maybe she should call Wanda and try to talk it out.

Vivian places a few dollars down on the bar counter before leaving, pulling out her phone as she walked. She stopped by her car, leaving against it as she dialed Wanda's number. The line almost immediately went to voicemail.

"I'm not sure what you're doing right now, and I really don't want to bother you if you're Avenging. I know you said to pull myself together, and I'm trying." Vivian starts before taking a breath. "But I'm ready to talk."

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