⭐ W A N D A ⭐

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~•✴⭐✴•~Always | Chapter 23~•✴⭐✴•~

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Always | Chapter 23

Wanda waited for the front door to close before she left the bedroom, drying the last traces of tears off of her face. She was actually gonna do it. Some time this week, Wanda was going to break up with Vivian. Tears stung the backs of her eyes once more but she blinked them away; at the rate she was going, she'd be dehydrated in no time.

Wanda made her way over to the fridge to get some water. Once she grabbed the bottle and closed the door, she caught a flash of blue out of the corner of her eye; Vivian's note. She pulled it of the fridge and read it:

Hey, I'm going to the store because we have no fucking food. Hope you feel better, Princess. Love you xx

Wanda put the note back on the fridge before sitting on top of the island as she drank her water. As she drank, she contemplated how best to break the news to Vivian.

Wanda had never had a real relationship before, let alone broken up with someone who meant this much to her. All of her time was split between getting justice for her parents and keeping Pietro out of trouble, despite him being the older twin.

God, she wanted to talk to Pietro about this. Despite his heartbreaker reputation in grade school, Pietro actually cared deeply for his girlfriends. He'd be able to give Wanda some helpful advice on how to successfully break up with Vivian. Or maybe she could talk to Sam or Steve, but she didn't want anyone from the team getting involved in her relationship.

She thought about looking for answers on YouTube, but that seemed a little daunting. So many people had so many different ideas and they were all right there for Wanda to choose from. And she wasn't sure what she would get if she searched "how to end a lesbian relationship". Probably some dude trying to get into a clearly gay girl's pants for five minutes.

Every break up in movies seemed so straight forward, even if they were very emotional; the couple realized that they could no longer work together for x and y reasons so after a loud swell of emotional music and enough tears to end a drought, the couple had agreed to end it and went their separate ways after one last emotional kiss. Most often in the rain.

For Wanda, there would be no swell of music. There wouldn't be a drought-ending amount of tears. She wasn't even sure that Vivian was on the same page as her, that she was feeling the same strain on the relationship. If she was, she was doing a hell of a good job hiding it.

Wanda was snapped out of her thoughts by Vivian nearly tripping into the apartment, grocery bags floating around her. Wanda smiled a little as she shook her head, hopping off of the island and walking to Vivian, using her hexes to bring the groceries closest to the top of the door frame to her arms.

"Hey Princess, you're up. Did training tire you out that much?" Vivian asks, kicking the door closed behind her. She kisses Wanda on the cheek before getting an answer, walking into the kitchen and sitting the groceries down. Wanda trailed behind her, sitting her bags down next to the ones Vivian had before sitting back on the island.

"I'm making dinner tonight, so you don't have to worry about that." Vivian says, starting to put the food away in the cupboards and the fridge. Wanda catches glimpses of pasta sauces and noodles as Vivian finished up in the cabinet.

"Am I allowed to ask what you're making?" Wanda asks. She already had an idea, but she wanted to be sure.

Vivian flashes Wanda a smirk before going back to what she was doing. "It's a surprise, Princess." she answers. God Wanda loved that nickname. The way that it just flowed off Vivian's tongue implied that she had called other girlfriends by the same nickname, but it just felt special when Vivian called her princess. The only other person who treated Wanda like she was worth while was Pietro.

Vivian turned back to what she was doing, putting everything away except one bag. "Now shoo, get out of the kitchen." she says, ushering Wanda off of the island and out of the small kitchen.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." Wanda laughs. She turns around and quickly kisses Vivian. "Don't burn down the kitchen." she jokes before going back to the bedroom. She hears Vivian mumble something in the kitchen and she shakes her head.


Spaghetti. The big secret meal was spaghetti. It was different though, Wanda had to give it to Vivian. She called it "Spicy Bougie Spaghetti" and used these zucchini noodles instead of regular noodles and this spicy shrimp instead of regular ground meat. But it was damn good spaghetti.

Both girls were eating in silence but Wanda noticed that Vivian was trying to secretly use her phone under the table. A red hex swirled around her fingers before Vivian's phone was pulled from her hand, placed on the table between the two girls. Wanda continued to eat as Vivian looked at her with a slightly shocked expression.

"We're supposed to be spending quality time together, Viv." Wanda says simply. Vivian opens her mouth to say something but the expression morphs into a kind of smirk as she shakes her head. Wanda laughs, taking a fork full of spaghetti. Something told her to just break it off right now, but everything was so calm and nice that that didn't make sense. She decided to just live in this moment and stop dwelling on her decision. That was a problem for later.

Soon the girls finished their meal. Wanda was doing the dishes and listening to music on her earbuds while Vivian was somewhere in the apartment, doing lord knows what. She was completely caught off guard when Vivian appeared behind her, wrapping her arms around the Sokovian's waist and kissing her cheek. Wanda giggled, using a hex to remove an earbud instead of her wet hands.

"You're pretty affectionate today." Wanda says, turning around to face Vivian, leaning against the counter. Vivian moved her arms to Wanda's shoulders as Wanda's hands found Vivian's hips.

"I've been in a good mood, and I wanted to make up for the shit I've put you through for the past week or so." Vivian says, resting her forehead on Wanda's. Wanda kisses Vivian softly, pulling her closer. Another reminder rung in her head, telling her to just live in the moment.

"I think you've made up for this week." Wanda says when she pulls away. "But there is one more thing that you could do."

Vivian smirks, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she kisses Wanda again, understanding the message. Guess the dishes could wait.


Writing soft stuff like this makes me so happy and smiley, but then I remember just how much shit I put these two through and it feels a little sadistic and mean. Which I guess means I'm doing my job (?)

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