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Okay, who thinks that Tom Holland is just the cutest person alive???

Once I got back to my house- well Flash's house, my mom and everyone else was huddled up in front of the TV again. Oh, do I wonder what it could be about this time?

"What's goin' on?" I asked, inching my way towards the couch to get a better look at the screen.

They didn't take their eyes off of it or respond to me until it went to commercial.

"Well for starters, Taco Bell has french fries now," Flash said astonished, pointing at the screen. I rolled my eyes at his idiocy.

My mom then turned towards me, "There was a giant fire in an apartment on fifth street," she told me. "But thankfully Spiderman was there in time. He saved everyone in the building, including this little girl hiding in a closet."

"Oh my gosh, that's awful,"

They nodded, "yeah but everyone survived."

I thought for a minute, "well it just seems like there's something tragic on the news every night."

Spider-Man has his heart in the right place, it's just I'm worried that things are going to get too out of hand.

"Can you believe that the police are considering him a menace?" Flash said, appearing a little angry. "I mean there's no way that could be true. He's so awesome." He gushed.

I raised my eyebrows, "wow, someone has a thing for spidey huh?"

He shot me a glare, his family snickering beside him.

"Well... I'll be in my room, call me if you need me," I continued, hopefully getting myself out of Flash's wrath.

Once I made it to my room, I checked my phone for any new notifications, especially for if Gwen or MJ were wondering how tonight went.

I had a few of their text messages appear on the screen, asking me all sorts of questions about Peter and if it will turn into something more. But I was more focused on the text message the man himself sent me.

I had a great time tonight, see you tomorrow. Glad you're safe :) - Peter

I couldn't help myself from smiling as I reread his words a few times over.

Me too. Good night Peter. I texted back, kinda stumped on what else to say to him. I didn't want to sound pushy and schedule our gym work out already.

And before I knew it, I fell asleep with happy thoughts.

Peter's POV

Isn't it just the worst when you really like someone and you don't know how to express your feelings like a normal person, and you just act weird? Which probably makes them like you less...

For most of my life, I've only had two friends and not much girl interaction. It was probably because the only thing I could make conversation about was science, and I didn't dress the way they'd want.

I'd definitely say that being bit by that spider has helped a little with my social interaction skills and especially my confidence. I have the spider to thank.

It's just now I have a huge part of my life that I have to keep hidden. And I've never had to keep secrets before, it's not really my thing. I've debated on telling Aunt May, but she worries too much. I just need to make sure I trust them enough.

I felt something drop on my shoulder. I looked over and it was freshly fallen bird poop that laid on my shoulder. I groaned. Not my suit.

I sat on the fire escape railing outside some building, making sure everything in Queens was in order before heading to school.

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