Chapter 21

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The last few days of winter vacation went by quite fast. I hung out with Alfred like I usually did and I finally got him to practice his lines for the musical. Before we knew it we had to go back to school. I really didn't want to go but I had to. The first week back there was nothing very eventful. Us who were in the musical did have to be off script and lucky for me I had memorized all of my lines. The shows date was January 20th which was in around two weeks. Our directors had been pushing us to practice extra hard but I doubt most anyone would actually practice outside of school. Soon enough it was the week of the show or as Mrs Piper liked to call it "hell week".

"Have you kids been practising hard?" Mrs Piper asked. She looked a little stressed out. Her and Mr Johnson had been working very hard to make this show successful and they looked tired and drained from all the hard work. They had sat all the actors in a circle and were having a talk with us before was started today. Apparently, we would get to wear costumes today and it would be like a dress rehearsal. I was a little nervous considering I would need to wear a dress due to the character I was playing.

"I hope everyone has been practising," Madison whispered to Jennifer. Those girls have been giving Alfred and me quite a hard time the past few weeks, it would seem they both are still angry that I a boy got the lead female part.

"The first showing is this Friday, you all better be ready," Mr Johnson added on to what Mrs Piper said. "Today is going to be our first run through with costumes, so everyone go get ready," Mr Johnson said sending us off to get ready. As I stood up Mrs Piper called for me.

"Arthur! I need to talk with you!" Mrs Piper said in a more cheery tone. I nodded and walked over to her. She proceeded to pull me over to the side so she could speak with me. "So, Arthur, do you have your lines memorised?" Mrs Piper smiled.

"Yeah I do," I stated.

"Good, good," she posed and continues to speak, "We have your costume ready, are you alright with wearing a wig?" Mrs Piper asked.

"I suppose I am, I've never really worn one before," I said a bit shyly.

"Alrighty then! Go get ready for the run through," Mrs Piper smiled. I nodded, I didn't really understand why Mrs. Piper had me come over and speak in private. "And one more thing Arthur," Mrs Piper said just as I was about to walk away, "You and Alfred are going to actually have to kiss for this run through, I hope that's okay."

"We have to, today?" I asked. I really didn't want to kiss him out front of all my peers, it would be too embarrassing.

"Yes today, opening night is Friday and we need to practice everything," Mrs Piper explained.

"Right," I mumbled.

"Alright, now go get in costume," Mrs Piper smiled pushing me off to the changing rooms. I was a bit hesitant walking into the changing rooms, I wasn't feeling too well after that talk with Mrs Piper. I sighed and walked in, most all the other boys were in their costumes, for an elementary school production the costumes were quite well made. I walked over to the cloths wrack that still had some costumes hung up on it and found the costume that I was meant to wear. I head a few boys behind me chuckle the moment I took the dress off the clothes rack. I sighed and found an open stall and put the dress on. It was a little big but other than that it looked nice. This wasn't my first time wearing something like a dress when my parents and I visited some relatives that lived in Scotland my cousin and his family convinced my father and me to buy some kilts. I still had the one my father bought me but I never wear it. I sighed and walked out of the changing stall, I wasn't really fond of the dress, it was a bit uncomfortable. The moment I walked out of the stall some of the boys in the changing room started to laugh, I didn't really pay any mind to them.

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