(ch.1) Jade and Valerie

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A/N Please read: ok so this story starts off kinda bad, but it gets good on the 5th chapter. Some bad wording and stuff but it will get better. Also this chapter is just introducing jade and valerie, and the next chapter is introducing basically everyone else so please stick with me. Also the first few chapters are short but the chapters get longer farther in the story. Ok hope you enjoy!


I was driving down a narrow road in my black 2003 volkswagon beetle with my best friend Valerie in the passenger seat. She was adjusting her long blond hair in to a messy high ponytail as we sung along to our usual play list as we drove anywere and everywere, with no destination, we just wanted to explore.

Valerie said my name "Jade" I looked at her bright blue eyes outlined with long black eyelashes for a split second to imply I was listening, and turned my attention back on the road. "I heard about this amazing abandoned place, I forgot what it was exactly, you know before it was abandoned, but I know how to get there, it's soppsably not guarded or anything, I think we should go."

I glanced at her "ok, but we're going to have to bring in our knife just in case, because you never know if these going to be a crazy homless person trying to kill us, or worse."I meet her eyes again, then back on the road. She nodded and we went back to our music.

I was always taught look at the person your speaking too, and when anyone speaking you should always look at them to show respect.

~time skip about 1 hour later~

We got out of the small car, I went to the trunk and pulled out my black leather back pack that had water, a first add kit, flashlights, batteries of all kinds, and in it and in the front pocket our switch blades, just in case something serious happens, I take one out and hand it to my best friend who stood a good 2 inches taller then me. I took my keys and attached them to my belt loop on my black high wasted distressed jeans so I wouldn't lose them inside, then I re-tucked my black t-shirt in to my jeans. Valerie always had a spare set of all my key because I would always lose them all the time. We made eye contact, I could see my short curly brown hair that was pulled in to a messy poneytail, like Valerie's, and my light brown eyes staring back at myself through Valerie highly reflective blue ones.


A/n: btw jade is 5'3 and valerie is around 5'4 to 5'5 just in case your wondering

Elton Castee /// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now