(ch.15) shadow

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A/N: the picture is of jades faveret, and only pair of shoes.

~time skip 2 weeks - Elton's P.O.V~

Today is Jades birthday so I woke up supper early and made her waffles and bacon. In the middle of cooking I hear her run down the stairs.

"Elton! are you making bacon?!" She said basically jumping up and down.

"yup, and waffles." I said With a smile.

She then held on to me as a i cooked not letting go until I put everything on her plate. She grabbed her plate and sat down and basicaly inhaled the food.

I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear "happy birthday"

she smiled and said "thank you." She then got up and went to go get ready.

I knew she would take at least a hour and a half because she took a shower every morning. I ran to the store and got her balloons that where in the shape of the numbers '26', a vanilla cake because she thought that chocolate tasted like trash and it was made for the devil. she wasn't religious but she said things like this to joke around or to over exaggerate.

I stoped by the coverse store and got her new converse, they looked exactly like her old ones but she has been complaining about how old her ones where, but she loved them so much she would never where any other shoe.

I got home and set everything up. I heard her come down the stairs so I hid, she walked over to the cake and smiled.

I ran up behind her and yelled "happy birthday!"

She screamed and ducked, grabbed a hold of her and she lightly pushed me and said "Elton! You can do that!"

I smiled and hugged her "I'm sorry."

She moved her hands to my face and pulled me in to a kiss.

"Elton are you trying to one up me?" I heard valerie's voice say from behind me.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at her. "Are you gunna be the new Corey?" I asked With a sigh.

Jade ran over to Valerie as soon as she realised she was there. "I have an amazing or present for you!" I heard valerie say to jade.

"What Is it?!" Jade said in exsitment.

"You'll have to wate and see." Valerie said as she walked over to the cake I got for jade.

Jade opened the present I got her, she instantly untied her old converse and put the new ones on. She squealed and gave me a big hug and kiss.

Everyone in the house was down stirs eating the cake and wishing jade a happy birthday. and by the time we where all done it was around 3:30pm.

Valerie brought her out side and told her to close her eyes. I walked out with her and saw Scott in our drive way with the unnamed dog, Valerie got for Jade.

~Jades P.O.V~

Valerie told me to close my eyes and I did as i was told. I held valerie's hand with my left one and with the other I held Elton's.

We walked in to the drive way when I heard valerie say "open you eyes."

I opened them to see a man's around my age in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that said "to much Scotty" i instantly knew who he was.

Elton had told me about Scotty already. But he was holding a black chow, I squealed and ran over to Scott and took the dog from him

"is this mine?!" I was so happy I couldn't stand still.

Elton smiled at me and Valerie said "yup."

I was so exsided "what's his name?"

"he doesn't have one" everyone said in sync.

"ok! His names, shadow then."I said wanting to run and jump and scream and cry all at once.

I looked at Scott "Hi I'm Jade, thank you for taking care of my dog." Then I ran the Valerie and hugged her. Then i put down shadow. Then I ran to Elton and jumped in his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and kissed him.

I heard Valerie say "oh I see how it is." And she walked back inside.

I then got down and put shadow in side then went back to Elton. Scotty was shocked by my actions, obviously Elton hasn't told anyone, besides the house, that him and Amanda broke up or that we are dating.

I heard Scott talking to him quietly "What was that? What about Amanda?"

Elton replied with a sigh "Amanda cheated on me and Jade was there for me, one thing led to another and now we're dating."

Scott nodded his head talking in all that he just learned. I walked next to Elton and grabbed his hand, we interlocked fingers as we went in side and Scott followed.

~time skip 5 hours~

Elton brought me out for dinner and when we got home there was a surprise party waiting for us. There was the people that lived in the house and other people that I suspected to be Elton and Colbys friends. a lot of people introduced themselves to me, there was jay walkr, heath, zane, brennen, fitz, Scott, Kristen and a lot more people that didn't introduce them themselves.

~time skip to after the party~

I was so exhausted after the party, all I wanted to do was cuddle with Elton and sleep. I changed in to a oversized black send it shirt that went just below my butt, and I put my short brown hair in to a messy bun and climbed in to Elton's bed and waited for Elton who was out doing something.

I must of fallen asleep because I woke up to the door opening and closing and light filling the room. Elton walked in and takeing off his shirt and shoes and climbed in to bed next to me. I flipped over and laid my head on his chest. He grabbed my waist and put me on his lap, we scooted up so he was sitting agents the head board of his bed. He pulled my face in to his And kissed me.

~Valerie's P.O.V~

I woke up In the middle of the night, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything, but I could feel Colby holding my waist, like every night. I tried to go back to sleep when I finally heard what woke me up. Jade was moaning extremely loudly. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore it. But I couldn't, I heard some doors open and I instantly got up and ran down the hall Corey was walking to Elton's room.

I stopped him, "stop" I said running in front of him.

"why? Do you really want to listen to this?" He said still half asleep.

"it's her birthday. I'll go tell them to quiet down." I said to Corey as he nodded and walked back to his room.

I walked over to Elton's room and knocked on the door loudly, "Hey I know it's your birthday and all, Jade, but can you keep it down?!" I said turned around and went back to my room.

I laid back down, they had quieted down a lot, in fact I couldn't even hear them. Colby grabbed my waist again and I feel back asleep

~time skip 3 weeks - Elton's P.O.V~

I was in the grage editing a TFIL video when I hear a soft knock at the door, I knew it was Jade because she's the only one who knocks before entering the garage.

She opened the door. she had tears like oceans running down her cheeks. I got up and ran over to her I pull her in to my arms but she pushed me away, I was hurt by what she did.

i looked at her terrified face. "What? What's wrong?what happend?" I said worried about the girl I had fallen in love with.

She replied in horribly shaky voice. "Um. Elton........

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