(ch. 13) anxiaty

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~Elton's P.O.V~

I feel asleep at my desk while I was editing the newest TFIL video. Jade woke me up in the middle of the night.

I could feel a hand on my back, I jumped up "hi."I heard a sweet voice say quietly.

I knew it was Jade and instantly calmed down. I looked up and saw j
Jades beautiful, big, brown eyes.

I smiled at her "hi."

"you feel asleep down here." She said With a small smile.

"so did you" I said to her in a calm voice.

"no I did not, I was sleeping your room not down here." She joked, her voice silly.

I smiled and laugh through my nose, I pulled her waist to my cheek and held her in my arms. then I stood up and through her over my shoulder, she told me back at the hospital that she hated to be carried because she always felt like they where going to drop her.

"no. Elton. No. I don't like being carried. Elton out me down." She squirmed in my arms.

I wasn't going to put her down. I turned off the lights in the garage and shut the door. I walked through the little hallway that went from the garage in to the kitchen, I oppend and the door and walked through it and shut the door behind me, cerca was laying on the floor outside the door, she imidietly started to follow us.

Jade kept trying to get down but I wasn't letting her go. I walked up the stairs and down the hallway that was behind the stairs and in to my room. I flicked on the lights and shut the door, i walked over to my bed and through Jade on to it, she started to giggle. I climbed in to bed as she scooted close to the wall.

I through the blankets over us. I pulled her close to my me, she put her head on my chest and laid her leg over hip. She looked up at me she smiled and scooted up and kissed me, I pulled her up so me was sitting on top of me.

I pulled away slightly "I bet you Corey's gunna come barging in my room and ruin this again."I said With a smile.

"I don't care." She said and pulled my face to hers.

~ Valerie's P.O.V~

I opened my eyes and saw darkness. I felt Colby holding on to my waist, I smiled and scooted closer to him, i was kind of confused as to why I woke up but this isn't unusual for me. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard Jade moaning.

Oh my god, really? We're across the house for each other, are you kidding me? I thought to my self as I pulled Colbys arm off me so I could get out of bed.

I opened my door and saw sam open his door too, He gave me a "is this really happening?" look.

"I'm sorry" I said apologizing for my friend.

I followed sam down the hall and I knoked on Elton's door.

"can you guys shut the fuck up?!" I said erarated, but it kept going.

Soon after I said that Corey walked up and opened the door, I covered my eye imidietly.

"shut up, it fucking three in the morning." Corey yelled at them.

They instantly shut up, I sighed in relief and walked back to my room, where surprisingly Colby was still asleep.

I got in to bed and Colby instantly pulled me close to him, he grabbed my waist and laid his head half on my back half on the pillow.

"are you awake?" I said quietly, he didn't answer I chuckled to myself and adjusted myself so I was more comfterbol and went to sleep.

~Jades P.O.V~

I opened my eyes to a brightly lit room. circa was laying next to me. I moved my hand to find elton but he wasn't there. I sat up and saw I was only in my underwear, I smiled and felt my face get hot when I remembered what happend last night.

I got up and got some clothes and went to the bath room. I took a shower and got dressed in some high wasted black skinny jeans and my send it shirt. I tucked it in th my pants and put on some socks then I put on my covers that I wore everyday, they're the origanl black high tops.

I walked out of the bathroom. As I walked down the stairs and in to the kitchen. I saw Valerie on the couch I instantly ran over jumped on her making her fall off the couch.

"ewww I don't want all of your Elton germs on me" she said in a silly voice.

I rolled my eyes "oh shut up."

"Its true, Elton was all over you and I don't want that on me."

I laugh and said "I already took a shower."

Valerie laughed too "oh well in that case." She grabbed me in punched me in the arm lightly.

I punched back "ouchy" she yelled in a baby voice

"oh I sorry" i replied in a baby voice too.

"No, you meany" she turned and gave me a silly mad face. she squinted her eyes and puckered her lips.

I laugh and patted the spot that I lightly punched "you k?" I asked and opened my eyes wide.

"mm yeah" she nodded her head and we sat back on the couch.

We watched family guy on Netflix until everyone got back, they left to go make a TFIL video before I woke up.

In the middle of watching family guy, before they got back, I got up and went to the kitchen and ransacked the fridge for waffles. I looked everywhere but as soon as I was about to give up I found them.

I squiled and ran over to the toaster, "do they have waffles?!" Valerie yelled from the livingroom.

"yeah! You want some?!"I yelled back.

"of course" Valerie was already right next to before I could finish my sentence.

2 popped out of the toaster and I put 2 more in instantly, I repeated this 2 more time so we would have 4 each. We basically inhaled the waffles and then went back to watching family guy.

After a little while everyone came back. Elton imidietly went in to the garage. I looked at Valerie a little hurt, I wanted to go in the garage after Elton but I didn't want to be "That annoying girlfriend".

"Just go." She said throinng her hand in the detection of the garage.

I nodded and got up and went in to the garage.

I opened the door and Elton imidietly turned his head in my detection "what's up?"

"oh nothing I um" I looked at the floor. I had so much anxiety, why do I have so much anxiety he's not a person to be afraid of. I told my self.

I was ripped away from my thoughts when I felt a warm hand pull up my chin.

Elton was now standing in front of me "what's wrong?" He asked in a caring voice.

I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him in to a hug "I don't know" I said my anxiety still high.

He wrapped his arms around me, I put my hear to his chest I could hear his heart beating. He held me for a long time I finally calmed down and let go of him. "What was wrong?" He asked again "I don't know I just had a random panic attack" he looked at me and pulled me in to a hug again "you where crying." "I was?" I said not realizing I was crying when I entered the room "yeah" elton said in a hushed voice.

A/N: Questions, comments, concerns?

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