(ch. 34) kids

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~time skip 1 hour~

V And James where fine and he just hung out over here for a while. Right now James and V are in the living room watching t.v. and me and Elton are in my room laying down.

"Elton?" I said looking up to him from his chest.

"Yeah?" He said looking down at me.

I looked in to his eyes as I said "Do you ever think about Amanda?"

He shook his head and said "no." I smiled and moved upward to kiss him.

It got intense very fast, and before I knew it I was sitting on his lap with my legs arund his waist with no shirt on. I pulled away to catch my breath.

I looked in to his hooded eyes and smiled before I said "you wanna go somewhere for tonight? They can stay here, the worst that can happen is already happened." He nodded and I kissed him again.

I pulled away and put back on my hoodie and made my way in to the living room. Elton behind me holding my hand.

"Where gunna go somewhere, you guys can stay the night here. If you need anything call, be safe lock the doors and windows. love you v!" And with that I grabbed my keys and we headed out.

I had no idea where we where going to go. I didn't want to go to Elton's because his roommates will tell us to stop, and I've been waiting about a month for him, so no one was going to shut me up or make us stop.

I drove around mindlessly untill I desided to get a hotel. I made my way to the nearest hotel and we got a room, which was overpriced but I couldn't care less right now.

When I entered the room i flicked the lights on. They eliminated an extravagant room. It had one huge bed and an even bigger t.v, it had a desk and 2 small couches. I walked across the room and opened the certain just enough to peek my head through. There was a beautiful view of down town L.A. it was honistly breath taking.

I walked to the bathroom. There was a bathtub with jets and a shower that had several shower heads and was made of completely see through glass. There was a big t.v hanging on the wall. It was truly extravagant. i put down the back pack, that I had in the car, that held some jeans and a black send it sweatshirt and some makeup and makeup wipes. I always had that in the car, that's why I didn't care to pack anything.

I moved over to the bed where elton sat facing away from me. I swiftly took off my sweatshirt and jeans. I was now standing in the room in my underwear and bra. I then jumped on to the bed and pulled Elton down by his shoulders. I moved closer to him and kissed him. He kissed me back and pulled me so I was next to him. He then lifted me by my butt and placed me on his lap I wrapped my legs around his torso and pulled away from the kiss only to pull off his shirt. He then rolled us over so I was trapped underneath him, not that I would want to be anywhere else anyway.

~Time skip to next morning - v's P.O.V~

I opened my eyes to blinding rays of sun that poured through the open cretins of valerie's bedroom window. I thought it best that I sleep in valerie's room and not jades, just in case they came home last night, but they didn't. I felt waight on my hips and someone behind be, I turned my head only to see a sleeping James. I smiled and slowly moved to face him. His green eyes fluttered open and meet my blue ones.

"Good morning" he said stretching.

"Good morning" I replied whispering and In a baby voice.

after he streched he wrapped his arms around me one more, pulling me close to his body. I closed my eyes and took in his sent when I heard loud knocking at the door.

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