(ch.27) followed

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~Time skip 2 weeks - Jades P.O.V~

Elton has been gone for a week and I really miss him, even though we talk all the time, I still missed him like crazy. V has been going to school everyday, and I pick her up. Valerie stays at Colbys, also he desided to stay in America. She stayed at his plece most nights which is fine because when she's at Colbys V stays in her bed and I get more room in my bed for circa, shadow and I to sleep.

James and V have been hanging out non-stop and I think it's cute. They aren't dating but there friendship is adoribal. They had 4 classes together at school, they hung out at lunch and usually James waited with v after school till I got to the school to pick her up. I meet James, he is charming and very tall, he's a sweet boy and I think v and him would be the third perfect power couple of the century, of course the list goes: Elton and I, Valerie and Colby, then it would be v and James, if they where dating.

Right now v is at school, valerie's with Colby and I'm walking shadow and circa. I'm about a mile away from my house. When I took walks with my dogs I would take really long walks, like 5 mile walks. It was around 12:45p.m and V was probably having lunch with Joyclyn and James.

I turned a corner to see that there was road work, I turned around and walked back to the corner i had just came from and started to walk forward insted of turning.

I felt like there was a car following me, but I am the most paranoid person you would ever meet, so I just wrote it off as someone just going the same detection I was and they wern't following me.

I felt my phone vibrating in my hoodie pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket to see that my screen was showing a horibal picture of Elton that I took of him. I forced him to let me keep it in my camera roll, he doesn't know it's his contact picture and he doesn't need to know.

The picture was of him in a crab like stance with his hands to the sides of him with his fingers shaping open and shut like a crab with his face all scrunched up with his eyes crossed and his mouth open. It was so bad even Elton, the person who perpiousful makes stupid faces in picture, asked me to delete it.

It said "❤❤Elty❤❤" on the screen. I swiped my screen to answer. "Hello?"

"Hi" I heard Elton's voice say through my phone in to my ear.

A smile instantly grew in my face when I heard his voice "Hi baby."

I heard the roommates talking in the background, Elton told them to shut up or they where going to have to drive, and they all instantly shut up.

I laughed and he continued "what are you doing?"

I looked both ways before walking across a not-so-busy Street before I said "I'm walking the dogs. What are you doing?"


I instantly pulled the phone away from my face and hung up. I hung up because he was driving and I didn't want him to wreck. I instantly felt my phone vibrate again. I looked at it, Elton was calling again.

I answers and said "did you pull over?"

I heard some shuffling then silence when Elton said "yes?" In a high pitched voice

I rolled my eyes as i walked holding my phone to my ear and said "no you didn't. Pull over."

His voice got even more high pitched as he said "what? We are pulled over."

I let out a sigh of frustration and stopped my walking and said "no you didn't. Pull. Over. Elton."

"Ughh! Fine. But when I'm late for the meet up I'm gunna blame it on you." He said giving in to my demand.

Elton Castee /// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now