(ch. 38) He's Alive!

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I walked over to her and she said "Jade Watts?" I nodded and she continued "well Jason is stable, thanks to you. If you guys would have called a second latter he would of been dead. I cant let you see him untill tomorrow. I suggest you two go home and sleep, you need it. Visiting starts at 9:30A.M."

I nodded and grabbed a hold of Elton's hand as the nurse walked away from us. I called an uber so we could go home and sleep. Once the uber arrived we got in and he drove us home.

When we walked through the door shadow came running up to me. I gave him i pat on the head and looked to the living room.

Everything was stained with blood. Everything. Tears started to flud my eyes, making my vision blurry. I looked at Elton. He just shook his head and guided me to the room with his hand on the small of my back.

Once in my room i laid back in bed and waited for Elton. He climbed in not long after me.

"Elt-y?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes-y" he replied, as he moved his arms arround my waist.

I flipped over to face him. "I love you."

He smiled. I place my forehead on his."I love you too." He said back, with biggest grin on his face.

I returned the smile and leaned closer to him. Our lips met. i pulled away not long after they collided, thinking this want the best time.

"What?" He asked quietly, looking at me through hooded eyes.

"I dont- jasons- its not the best time." I choked out, stumbling over my own words.

He then gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "okay."

We laid there for what seemed like years, but in reality it was probably a little more then an hour. We talked about crazy theorys and general nonsence untill i passed out.

~Next Morning~

I woke up to some one shaking me. I tuned over to face whoever was trying to wake me and i said "could you not?!"

Eltons voice then said "fine, ill just have to go see your brother by my self. Ill make sure to tell him your sleeping."

I was immediately alert and awake. "Wow, ok. Im up. let me just go get ready. ill be out in five."

He nodded and i ran to my bathroom. I through my hair in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. One i was done i ran to my bedroom in surch of clothes.

I grabbed some gray joggers and a black send it hoodie and through them on. I pulled on socks and my convers. I then ran to the living room where Elton was waiting for me.

I imediatly went to the door and grabbed my keys. "Come on!" I called, exiting the house.

It was stormy and gray outside. The rain hasent stopped, but it has cleared up a bit.

I ran to my car and hopped in, starting the engen almost amidetly. Elton opened the door and got in just in time for me to speed off to the hospital.

I came to a screeching stop in a parking space close to the hospital doors. We both jolted forward but got cought by are seatbelts. I unbuckled mine and Elton did the same. I jumped out of the car and ran to the hospital, pressing the lock button on my car like i was crazy as i went.

I finaly stopped when i reached the frount desk. There sat a pretty nurse who couldn't be past the age of 26. She had caramel colored skin with bright gray eyes and her hair was short and extremely curly.

"Ja-Jason watts?" I choked out, trying to catch my breath, but altimetly failed.

"Oh, hello. Sorry but i have to ask, what are your relationships with this patient?" The lady asked in a sweet voice with a kind smile.

"Im- im his sister." I breathed out.

"Cusen" Elton said from behind me, not out of breath at all.

"Um, ok." She said with a smile as she typed away at her keyboard. "He is in room 629. That on the 6th floor, of course, and its to the left. Not that far down eather. Ok, well have a good day!" She spoke cheerfully.

I nodded and waved goodbye before jogging to the elivators and, pressing the up buttom several times before leaning against the wall. I still haddednt cought my breath. My head faced the floor.

The doors opened and we stepped in. There was no one else in there, thank god. I stood in the corner, finaly catching my breath.

"I really need to get in better shape. my loard!" I exclaimed.

Elton laughed as the doors opened and we stepped out. We followed the nurses instructions and found his hospital room almost amidietly.

We opened the door and stepped in to the dark room. The only light in the room was from a small tv in the corner of the room. showing beautiful landscapes, rich with vegetation. And what few rays of sunlight that peeked through the thick brown blinds that covered most of the window.

Jason layed uncontious on the hospital bed. He had bandages all up and down him and wire connecting him to machines on both arms. He was unrecognizable. The only reason i knew who he was, was because of his distinct hair, it was midium langth and extreamly curly, it went arround his head like a bowl cut, but was shaved on the sides, and it was long and come to his eyebrows.

My hands flew to my mouth as i walked over to him. Tears started falling down my face as i came closer. His eyes where shut and his mouth hung open.

"Jade?" I heard a quiet voice say.

"Jason? Your awake?" I asked, Putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Mhm." He said, not moving an inch.

I laid my head on his chest as i heard someone sit next to me. I felt a hand on my back and i flinched. but relaxed amidetly when i heard Elton's voice say "Jade its okay, it'll be okay." I nodded and continued to cry in to jasons chest.

~time skip 2 hours~

A doctor came in the door and started checking the michines that jason was hooked up to.

As the doctor was busy at work Elton stood up and let out a sigh before saying "I'm really sorry, Jade but i have to go. Colby and sam need to do a video and there waiting outside for me. Ill come back as soon as im done, okay?"

I looked to him and stood up as well, i nodded my head and opened my arms for a hug. He pulled me in to a loving embrace and i gave him a peck on the cheek, seeing how jason was stuck in the room with us.

"I love you, I'll see you soon. be careful and dont do anything stupid, i dont need another person i love in the hospital." I whispered in his ear, still rapped in his arms.

"love you too, I'll try not to kill my self, and i promis to be back here as soon as posible." He whispered back, finaly braking the comforting hug.

And with that he walked out of the room without another word. I sat back down next to Jason silently. The doctor left without explaining anything, leaving me and Jason alone. My brother had been asleep for a while now, so i had nothing to do but think. And that was truly tarifying...

A/N: So hey! Its been a while! Sorry i havent updated in so long, ive just been so stressed and busy. But tomorrows my last day of the school year, yay!!!! So be expecting a lot more chapters! K, love you, byyyeeeeee!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤

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