Shopping, and partying.

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Blade's POV.

"We are so going shopping, I can't spend another day in these ratty old clothes." I complained. I've been wearing leggings and Ashley's shirts every day for three days now. I needed women's clothes, besides the jeans I also had. Juliet hasn't changed her clothes once, in fact we haven't left the house. She's better than she was, now she eats normally again, she doesn't just drink, and she hasn't been crying constantly. I think going out for a bit would be best for her.

"We can go to the local mall later, if ya like? It's huge." Juliet smiled. I'm so glad she's wanting to go somewhere or at least willing to. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. You wanna wear my jeans and I'll wear these and Ashley's shirts?" She nodded. "I showered earlier. It's your turn. You haven't in three days. That's gross, go." I instructed. She chuckled slightly and put her dishes in the sink. "Alright I'll be back out." She said walking into the bathroom. "If ya want, my body washes and make up, and lotions and hair curlers and straighteners are all in there! Feel free to use them!" I called out.

I went over to the living room and laid down on the couch, soon seeing Ashely walk through the front door. "Hello stranger." I joked. He laughed and set down two bags. "I got these for you." He held up a pair of skinny leather jeans, and a shirt that was all ripped up and said country girl on it. I chuckled and hugged him. "Thank you, baby. Now I have something to wear out today." He smiled. "Juliet agreed to leave the house for a bit?" He Asked. I nodded. "Good cause I bought these for her." He showed me a Rolling Stones crop top, and some high-waist black shorts with rips in them. "She's going to be in love." I laughed. "Good." He quick pecked my lips. "I love that I get to be with you without any complications.. For now. " I said quietly. "I love that I get to be with you in general." I smiled and whispered in his ear: "Your a cheesey shit, but I love it." He chuckle slightly. I moved so I was sitting up right and he sat next to me. I smiled as his arm wrapped around me and pulled me close to him.

We sat like that for about 15 minutes, until Juliet came out fully ready to go. "Here, you don't have to wear her clothes.. I bought these for you when I found out we were gonna go to the mall." He through her the bag and she pulled out the shirt and shorts. "I love them, ashley! Thank you so much!" She gushed and quick hugged him than went to change. Shortly trusting a few moments later. "Ready?" Ashley asked. "Yeah!" (I had already changed into my new outfit from Ashley.) We stood up and went out to Ashley's car.

We had turned our phones off, so my dad couldn't call anymore, and so he couldn't track us down, and we-well.. Ashley, bought three simple track phone things, and minutes for them as well in case we needed them.

"I love this song!" I gaped as King for a day by pierce the veil rang through the radio.

"WOULDN'T IT BE NICE TO BE A KING SOME DAYYY???? A SINGLE NIGHT WITHOUT A GHOST IN THE WALLS!" I yelled out with Vic and Kellin's voices'. Ashley laughed at me. Soon though, we arrived the mall Julie had located us to and we ran in(all three of us) like crazy people. "Where to m'ladies?" Ashley asked. I smiled and quick kissed his cheek again, and Juliet replied. "Well.. Obviously B is gonna wanna go to HotTopic, so we should start there." I grimaced (in a good way...) at her knowing exactly where I wanna go.

We walked down to Hot Topic, and I fell in love with about everything. i ended up getting three pairs of jeans, one was just plain jeans, the other was half black/half checkered with red, and the other were very ripped up black jeans. I got: PTV, SWS, MC, BVB, BOTDF, AA, OMAM, BMTH, FIR, and DB shirts. Along with some older band shirts (David Bowie-DB, Mötley Crüe-MC, and KISS, Aerosmith, Pantera, The Misfits, and Marilyn Manson.) And I got some hair dye. (With my money of course.) than Juliet wanted to go to Forever 21, so we did. From there we went to Spencers(much to me and Juliet's dismay- because of Ashley's perversion. If he wasn't there it would've been fine.), Victorias Secret(again- to our dismay..), Macy's, and DEB. Than we decided on going home.

When we got home, Juliet suggested going out and partying for a bit tonight which me and Ashley were totally down for. It was nice that she wanted to go out. So we spent most of our time home getting ready for tonight.

Juliet was wearing a dress she bought from DEB, that was silver and strapless with black sequences on it. It was tight at the top, than flowey on the bottom. Mine was a black tank-top dress the had a very open back, and very low cut in the front. It was tight fit and short. Short, short. To wear it barely covered my ass, however I liked it like that. I wore black three inch heels, with garters connected to my dress. Juliet wore nude-colour tights with white heels. Ashley wore a black collar shirt with black jeans and his black converse.

"You look hot." Ashley whispered in my ear as his hands snaked around my waist. "So do you, sexy." I smirked at him. He laughed and led me and Juliet out to his car. "ready do to have fun?" Juliet asked. We nodded. "Beyond." I laughed.

We pulled into a huge club, with music blaring and stood in line, and when it was our turn handed our ID's (mine being fake of course) to the 'bouncer'. He let us in, and we went over to the bar and ordered some drinks.

Eventually, Juliet was pretty out of it and making out with a guy in the corner of the bar while he touched her all over. Ashley and I were dancing together, and having fun. "It's 2am. We need to get going. Let me go find Juliet. You go wait outside." He instructed. So I did. I ran outside and leaned against the wall.

"Hello gorgeous.." I heard an almost British accent(I think..) whisper in from of me. I opened my eyes to see Danny Worsnop. "Danny.. I have a boyfriend. You need to go." I said sternly. "He doesn't need to know.." He laughed. He pulled me close to him and I tried getting away, but it was useless. He was kissing down my neck and I away screaming Ashley's name and begging for anyone to help, but nobody came. "Oi! Bitch. Nobody's coming to help you.." He went back to kissing my neck. I saw Ashley come out with Juliet, who actually wasn't drunk like I thought she was. "ASHLEY!" I screamed as he walked the other way. He turned around quickly, looking very pissed even in the moonlight. "PLEASE ASHLEY HELP ME!" I yelled out. Him and Juliet ran towards me, and Ashley yanked Danny off of me as Juliet pulled me away. I heard Ashley yelling at him, before running to me and Juliet.

"Baby.. Are you okay?" He asked. I hugged him and just kind of cried on his shoulder. "I just wanna go back to the house.. and be in your arms for the rest of the night.." I said quietly. "I know baby.. I promise I'll hold you throughout the entire night."

Ashley's POV.

"Juliet.. Come on, it's 2am.. B is exhausted." I yelled over the music. She nodded and stood up and we walked outside.

I looked glanced over to see Blade and a guy kissing. I laughed to myself. Nice, ashley. She already found someone else who isn't you. Not even 1 full week could she stay faithful. She just another kina. I kept walking with Juliet, not wanting to see her.

"ASHLEY!" She called out. My head turned towards her giving a rude glance. "ASHLEY PLEASE HELP ME!" She cried. I could tell she was in trouble, and I instantly felt bad for thinking she would hurt me the way that anyone else I've been with had. I ripped the guy off of her and yelled some un-friendly words at him. Juliet was holding a crying Blade.. I ran over to them and embraced B in a hug. "Baby.. Are you okay?" I asked. She hugged me and just kind of cried on my shoulder. "I just wanna go back to the house.. and be in your arms for the rest of the night.." She said quietly. "I know baby.. I promise I'll hold you throughout the entire night." I said to her, and I meant it. As soon as I got her back to the house, and Juliet was settled in bed, I held B the entire night.

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