Who are you??

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12 years later:

Blades POV. (A/N Blade is now 15)

"COME ON!" I yelled to Cope who was busy.


Yeah. I've been to juvy, with Cope. Okay? Don't judge. God dammit. Anywhore, at the moment, I am standing outside in the outing rain, waiting for Cope to get out of the BVB bus.

We're huge fans of BVB, And we missed their meet and greet, so we're trying to steal their shirts. One each. She insisted on it big her going on the bus and grabbing them, since she can run faster.

Just than my phone went off.

"RUN BLADE RUN!" She yelled through the phone.

Just than I heard yelling and breathing behind me.

"RUN THERE!" She screamed pointing at the wand restroom behind the stage. So I ran there. All the way I heard "GIVE US OUR SHIRTS BACK!" Or, "DAMMIT GET THEM!" and than Cope yelling "RUN THEIR GONNA GET US WE CAN'T GO BACK TO THE HELL HOLE CALLED JUVY!"

We got in the restroom and hi I the stall, and sat on top of a toilet so they couldn't see our feet.

A few minutes later, a familiar voice screamed "WE KNOW YOUR IN HERE WE SAW YOU!" That was Ashley. They started slamming stall doors down, and they were at ours. With one kick, the door caved, and there stood my idols, furious with me as Copeland.

Andy looked down at us.

"Shirts now please?" Jake said with aggravation clear in his voice.

"Y-yeah sure. Fuck it, Cope give them their shirts, at least we won't go back to jail than. "

They gave us a confused look so I said "yes, we've been to Juvy, 3 times. Don't judge."

Jake threw his hands up in innocence and so did Ashley.

Something was odd about Andy. He looked a lot like me..

"Cope, let's go."

We started walking and we reached the parking lot, and the boys stopped us.

"Um, want us to call your mom or dad?"

"Well... I.. Uh.. Don't have a dad.. Mine walked out on me and my mom when I was 3..." I said, tears consuming my eye lids.

"Um.. I'll call our mom. You guys go back to whatever your doing." Cope said. (a/n cope is my nickname for Copeland.)

"We're not leaving 2 15 year olds by themselves outside in L.A." Jinxx said.

"Uh, okay?"

I dialed my moms number. We were SOOO in trouble.



"We were at a concert, don't worry. Okay?"

"IM COMING TO GET YOU. Are you at the LA arena?"


"Okay. Your in trouble when I find you."

"Alright.." I frowned and put my phone back.

----------10 minutes later--------

My moms car finally pulled up, and she rolled down her window.

"YOUR SOAKED." She screamed looking at my Black veil Brides tank, with Andys Picture on it, and black ripped skinny jeans, that were literally soaked.

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