I'm not going back..

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Andy's POV.

I missed to daughter so much. She was my everything, and so was Juliet. I just wanted my family again.

I stumbled down the stairs and pulled yet another bottle whiskey from the cabinets.

I twisted off the cap, and through it. I began hurriedly chugging the golden liquid. It burned as it glided down my throat.

When the bottle was empty, I grabbed the next best thing to whiskey: Vodka.

I once again twisted the cap and tossed it somewhere random along with the empty Jack Daniels bottle.

I turned some music on as I chugged the clear, burning, liquid. A smile plastered on my face as I continued to drink. I pulled away from the bottle and staggered into the bathroom.

I opened the cabinet and looked for my sleeping pills.

When I found the orange bottle, I twisted the cap off and threw it in the waste bin.

I popped a few of the small white pills.

Blurry-ness was all I saw as I finished the last sip of vodka. The bottle slipped from my hands, and I fell backwards into the wall. Glass shattered everywhere. I felt extreme pain in my head, hands, thighs, and feet.

The last thing I heard before blacking out, was "No! Daddy, please!"

Blades POV.

I walked into my house, the one my dad lived in, shakily.

"Dad?" I called out. No answer.

The house smelt of whiskey, vodka, and serious BO.

"Dad?" I called again, louder.

There were shattered bottles of whiskey, vodka, beer, and other things everywhere.

Alcohol seemed to not only stain the carpeted floors, but the walls and the air, as I said before: the house reeked of it.

"DAD?!" I called again.

I heard a loud crash from upstairs. I ran up and searched his bedroom.

He wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom, and he was shaking as a bottle slipped from his hand, and a bunch of white pills spilled out. I started crying my eyes out.

"No, Daddy! Please!" I begged. His eyes closed and his body went numb. I picked up the bottle, and noticed they were my sleeping pills for insomnia.

I quick pulled out my phone and called 911.

"PLEASE, come quick, my dad- he-he- drank too much and took some sleeping pills. He's unconscious. Please help!" I cried. They said they were on their way and I hung up and called Ashley.

"ASHLEY!" I yelled. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

"My dad- he- he's unconscious. He took pills and drank way to much. Ah! God and he's bleeding!! Please get here!" I cried. "Baby, Juliet and I are on our way!" He said and hung up. I threw my phone down and pulled of my bandanna, and tied it tight around one of his hands. Than I pulled my band shirt off and put it on his other hand. I had only my cami on, but his head was bleeding like crazy, so I pulled it off to, and I held his head with it tightly against it to stop the bleeding.

Blood was all over me, and I was half dressed.

I couldn't stop crying.

"Daddy.. Please be okay.. I'm so sorry.. I love you.. Please.. I love you so much.."

EMT's rushed in and took him out on a stretcher.

"Can I ride with you?!" I asked as the paramedics rushed him in the ambulance. Ashley hopped out of the car and Juliet followed.

"Sorry, kid. Family over." One guy said.

"That's my father!" I yelled.

"Are you 18 yet?" He asked. I shook my head 'no'.

"Than no, because you need to be 18 to ride with a parent." With that he closed up the doors, and drove off. I fell to my knees, and cried. I felt Ashley's arms wrap around me, along with Juliet's.

"THATS MY DAD!" I kept yelling.

"Shh. Shh.. Honey.. He's gonna be okay." Ash cooed. I shook out of his hold.

"He might not be! You didn't see him! He-he-he-" I began hyperventilating.

"He was bleeding all over, his hands, his legs, his head, his face was bloody,

He was unconscious. He took sleeping pills along with tons of alcohol. He looked terrible!" I cried. Ashley held me once again, and Juliet and me hugged each other and cried.

"Honey.. He'll be okay.." Ashley cooed again. I calmed down a little, only to start up again.

"Let's go to the hospital. I'll call the guys. I promise." Ash said. Juliet and I nodded and got in the backseat together.

We cried into each other's shoulders.

"I hope my dad is okay.." I mumbled.

"Me too.." Juliet and Ashley said at the same time.

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